Freeman's Timeline

  • Allied Powers.

    Allied Powers.
    The allied powers cosisted of US, Great Britain, Soviet Union. It was made to protect all the countires who joined and to defeat the exis powers.The is politcal/miltary type of supranationalism
  • The United Nations

    The United Nations
    The united nations was made up of many different countries. Some of the countries were England, US, norway, germany and italy. The United NAtions was start after the leage of nations, Its main purpose was to protect countries from war and being attacked. This was a politcal and miltary type of supranationalism.
  • Hawaii and Puerto Rico/US

    Hawaii and Puerto Rico/US
    Both of these lands have good natural resorces and differnt culture traits from the Americans, Also both of theses are large in tourist. They both want to be independent or have a automony , but they stay with the US for protection. This is a military/poltical type of devolution,
  • The European Union

    The European Union
    The European Union was made up origanally by 6 countires. Some were Austria, Sweden, and Findland. The purpose of he European Union was for all the countries to have easy trade and better econoics. They all transferred to the curancy "Euro". This is an econmic type of supranationalism.
  • PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)

    PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)
    The PLO is a organization made up of countries like Isreal,and Egypt, and also the palestinians. The purpose for the PLO is to help the isrealis be free and get rid of discrimination. Also so they can all work together under one group. Some Americans belive that it is a Terrist organization. The PLO is a culture type of supranationalism.
  • OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

    OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
    Opec is mde up of iran, iraq, and Sudia Arabia, but there are more members of this group too. Opec was made to help control the prices of oil to countries who are buying. That way one country wont sell all of its oil and get ripped off. Most of the counties are in Southwest Asia. This is an econmic type of supranationalism.
  • Soviet Union

    Soviet Union
    Because of their politcal and econimcal differenece the soviet union splits into these countries... Armani, Azerbajan, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine. This is a politcal/military type of devolution.
  • Quebec and Canada split

    Quebec and Canada split
    Quebec wanted to be a free counrty because of their rich natural resorces , but the same reason Canada wanted them. So they granted them autonomy. This is ecnomical type of devolution.
  • Scotland/UK

    Scotland has a rich oil resorce so they belive they canbecome their own country depending on that. But the UK doesnt grant them their independence becasue they want the oil and Scotland would be eaily targeted. It is a economical type of devolution.
  • Cataonia/Spain

    Spain's richest part is Catania because it is right on the shore and haas many ports. The people there have different culture traites than some other people so they want an autonmy, but spain wont give them one. This is a culture type of devolution.