Freedom Riders - Alexander Zuehlke

By ajz2017
  • The ride begins...

    The Freedom Riders leave Washington D.C.
  • Period: to

    Freedom Riders

  • Riders Assaulted in S.C

    At the Greyhound bus station in Rock Hill, South Carolina, the group encountered violence. A mob of twenty attacked the group, and John Lewis was the first to be hit as he approached the white waiting room. Police eventually interfered and the group was allowed access to the white waiting room.
  • Riders Assaulted in Georgia

    After leaving Atlanta, the Greyhound bus was stopped as it entered Alabama. A mob surrounded the bus, the tires were slashed, and the bus was set on fire. The bus was burned to the ground, but the group took another bus and continued the rides.
  • Group #2 attacked in Anniston

    Meanwhile, the Trailways bus arrived in Anniston, Alabama where the driver would not continue until the group sat segregated. A violent group boarded the bus and beat the African-Americans sitting in the front, causing several injuries until the group was forced to the back of the bus.
  • Group attacked in Birmingham

    A mob carrying iron pipes greeted them on arrival in Birmingham, Alabama. Many were battered, knocked unconscious and hospitalized. The group gathered the next day and prepared to head on to Montgomery, but no bus would take them. A mob gathered as they waited in the white waiting room, and finally the group decided to fly back to New Orleans, ending the first ride.
  • First group vacates...

    The first group of freedom riders vacates the ride and flies back to Washington DC.
  • Second group of riders continues ride

    The second group of riders begin their jouney to Birmingham, and pick up where the first group of riders left off.
  • Riders stay put

    Riders stay in Birmingham due to extreme riots, for thier own safety.
  • Freedom ride ends

    The freedom ride has come to an end in Jackson, Mississippi. This freedom ride has ushered in a new era of equal rights between black, and white interstate travel. It would however, be a while for all people to be treated equally, even though the law has changed.