freedom riders

  • Boynton v. Virginia

    Boynton v. Virginia
    Boynton Virginia declared segregation in interstate bus and rail station unconstitutional.
  • freedom riders

    freedom riders
    The first Freedom Ride took place on May 4, 1961 when seven blacks and six whites left Washington, D.C., on two public buses bound for the Deep South. They intended to test the Supreme Court's ruling in Boynton v. Virginia (1960), which declared segregation in interstate bus and rail stations unconstitutional.
  • mothers day

    mothers day
    A mob of more than 100 members of the klu klux klan attacked the freedom riders in Anninston Al.
  • The freedom Ride

    The freedom Ride
    The Nashville student movement will not allow the kkk to defeat the bus ride.
  • The ride resumes

    The ride resumes
    They were afraid of the KKK ambush, so the bus heads south towards Montgomery at 90 miles an hour, they were also escorted by the Alabama highway patrol cars.
  • The Arrest in Jackson

    The Arrest in Jackson
    On Wednesday morning 12 freedom riders go on a 250 mile journey to Jackson Mississippi . When the bus arrives at Jackson they were arrested for attemption to use whites only restroom and was immediately arrested for breach of peace and refusal to obey an officer
  • Cooling off period

    Cooling off period
    The Kennedy's called for a "cooling off period" and critisize the Rides as unpatriotic because they embarrassed the nation at the peak of the Cold War.