Frederick douglass

Frederick Douglass by Nikka Dirks

By nadirks
  • Antislavery Convention

    Antislavery Convention
    At the antislavery convention in Nantucket, Massachusetts, Frederick was invited to describe his feelings and experiences on slavery. This started his career in the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. He was devoted to the abolitionist cause. This event is important and display's Douglass' devotion to addressing injustice, and later his devotion to addressing gender inequality.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    Frederick actively participated in promoting women's right to vote alongside Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. His motto was "right is of no sex." Alongside other men, he joined and assembled a crowd of two hundred women at the Seneca Falls Convention in support of women's right to vote. This is an example of his advocacy for gender equality.
  • Civil War and Women's Rights Movement

    Civil War and Women's Rights Movement
    From 1865-1877, Douglass advocated alongside Abraham Lincoln for former slaves to be armed during the Civil War. He fought for full civil rights for freedom and supported the women's rights movement. This displays his advocacy for not only all equality, but also specifically, gender equality.
  • International Council of Women Speech

    International Council of Women Speech
    Douglass gave a speech on women's suffrage and demonstrated his commitment to women's rights. During his speech at the International Council of Women, he proudly announced himself as an ally of the women's suffrage movement. This speech demonstrates his commitment to advocacy for gender equality.