May 9, 1566
Fraustos travel to Mexico
In 1566, Diego Frausto d'Aponte, from Portugal, traveled with his daughter, Catherine Frausto, to Mexico. He helped found the city of Leon in Guanajuation Source: Geni and Father -
British missionaries came and recruited Toubia Bakhrit
In 1890, British missionaries took/recruited Toubia Bakhrit to take him to Egypt to become a priest. Source: Mother -
Jesus Frausto
Jesus Frausto crossed the border into America with his wife. When there he found a man in Denver that offered him a job in Aurora working on a railroad. Source: Father -
Ayad Alexander migrated from Egypt to Sudan to work on railroads.
Source: Mother -
Reuben Frausto in World War II
In 1944, my grandfather, Reuben Frausto, traveled to the South Pacific as a flight engineer. Source: Father and Grandfather