Helga Karneval

By kmhardy
  • Dino Goes to a Hostel

    Dino Goes to a Hostel
    Er erste Nacht in Koln habe ich in einem Hstel verbracht. Nur sechs Euro pro Nacht.
  • Period: to

    Dinno and Benno

  • Can get no sleep Cuz of Yall

    Can get no sleep Cuz of Yall
    The room was too loud, and he couldn sleep. So he went to an internet cafe, where he was going to send an email asking for money from his brother. Then decieded to get a job instead,
  • They went to Mcdonalds

    They went to Mcdonalds
    Also sind wir zu McDonalds
  • Dinno Gets the job

    Dinno Gets the job
    ¨Wann können Sie Kommen?, fragte die Frau.
    ¨Ist es Ihnen recht, wenn ich jetzt gleich komme?¨
    ¨Sehr gerne,¨
    This shows he got the job and is on his way now.
  • Costumes

    Was soll ich anziehen?
    He then decides to dress up as der Pate, or the Godfather.
  • Ties and Doppelkorn

    Ties and Doppelkorn
    Dinno und Benno got sie Krawatte schnitt.
    Benno ist getrunken from Doppelkorn.
    They then take Benno to the Vet, where Dinno gets getrunken.
  • Unexpected Company

    Unexpected Company
    Die Frau of die haus ist kommen.
    So he get´s his fruinds to help him clean for vierhundert euro.