
Franz and Franziska Jägerstätter's Lives

  • Birth

    Franz was born in Sankt Radegund, Upper Austria in a small village.
  • Mother Remarries

    After Franz' father was killed in WWI, his mother: Rosalia Huber remarries to a man named Heinrich Jägerstätter.
  • Marriage

    Franz marries Franziska Schwaninger who is deeply religious.
  • German Invasion

    German troops invade Austria, Franz is the only person to reject their rule.
  • First Draft

    Franz is drafted into the army for the first time, but avoids service under the exemption of being a farmer. During this time he also refuses to take the Hitler oath.
  • Third Order of Saint Francis

    Franz works as a sacristan at the Third Order of St. Francis and avoids conscription 4 times.
  • Final Draft

    Franz is finally called to join the military and continues to resist the Nazi military.
  • Execution

    Franz is executed by guillotine at the age of 36 for refusing to swear loyalty to Hitler.
  • Beatification

    Franz is declared a martyr by Pope Benedict XVI and is beatified by Cardinal José Saraiva Martins.
  • Franziska's Death

    Franziska dies at the age of 100, after raising 3 children and living through WWII