• 476

    Collapse of Roman Empire (Western Half)

    The last Roman emperors were deposed of at this time.
  • 511

    Death of Clovis

    Ruling from 481, th Franks were under the power of Clovis, until his death in 511
  • Jan 1, 751

    Charles Martel's son took leadership

    After Charles' role as a deputy, his son claimed the throne of rule for himself

    Some of Charlemagne's influences were the powerful neighboring empires nearby, as he kept diplomatic relationships with them. The Alcuin of York had also become a teacher at the Carolingian court, where he supported theological and dogmatic reatises.
    He had revived countship, as he wanted them to be smaller rulers for regions. He also implemented the missi dominici, which kept counts in place.
  • Campaign

    Clovis led a campaign that removed the last viestges of Roman power in Gaul.
  • Charlemagne takes reign

    Charles Martel's grandson takes leadership, maintaining dimplomatic relations with the Byzantine Empire and Abbasid Caliphate.
  • Missi Dominici

    Charlemagne sent out "envoys of the ruler" every year to basically check on the state of local jurisdictions
  • Louis the Pious

    He was Charlemagne's only surviving son, who took reign of the Carolingian Empire in 814
  • Pope Leo III

    Pope Leo III announced Charlemagne emperor with an imperial crown on Christmas Day
  • King Alfred

    King Alfred, leader of the Angles and Saxons, led them north to gain what is now England
  • Christianity

    People of the Germanic invaders previously believed in polythestic religion, but were converted to Christianity, as many accepted Arian Christianity