Francois-Marie Arouet is born.
Francois is born to Francois Arouet and Marie Marguerite Daumand. -
Marie Marguerite Daumand dies.
Francois-Marie's mother dies when he is only 7 years old. -
Attends Louis-Le-Grand, Jesuit College.
Graduates from College at the age of 17
Graduates Louis-Le-Grand college. By now, Francois was sure he wanted to be a writer, however his father disagreed. -
Became a notary assistant in Paris.
He still wrote, and when his father found out, he sent him to study Law school. -
Becomes French Ambassador in Holland,Netherlands.
Francois' father found him a new job, but there francois falls in love with a women and both their parents disagree so they break up and Voltaire's heart is broken, so he hides his pain in his writings. -
Returns to Paris.
Sent to prison.
Voltaire is accused of writing two anonymous poems about the King of France. He is sent to prison where he changes his name in hopes of seperating from his family to Voltaire. He writes his first play as Voltaire, OEdipe. -
Writes "Henriade" Poem
Exiled to Great Britain for three years.
Voltaire offends the Rohan family and is sent to jail again, but he negotiates it and gets exiled instead. -
Returns to Paris
Publishes "Philosophical Letters"
Get him exiled from France, again. Moves in with Madame du Chatelet for 15 years. -
Publishes Eléments de la philosophie de Newton
Publishes Zadig.
Madame du Chatelet dies at the age of 43.
Voltaire moves to Prussia with Frederick the Great.
Voltaire leave Prussia and settles in Genovia.
Earthquake devastates Lisbon, Portugal
"Poem on the disaster of Lisbon" by Voltaire
Buys an estate in Ferny, near Swiss border.
Writes his most famous piece, Candide
Publishes Dictionnaire Philosophique
Voltaire returns to Paris.
Voltaire returns to Paris after 20 to see the Premier of his last tragedy, Irene. -
Voltaire dies.