Francisco Pizarro Timeline

  • 1474

    Francisco Pizarro is born

    Francisco Pizarro is born
    Francisco Pizarro was born in Trujillo, Spain.
  • 1509

    Francisco becomes an explorer

    Francisco becomes an explorer
    Francisco sailed on the expedition that founded the city of San Sebastian.
  • 1520

    The discovery of the Republic of Costa Rica

    The discovery of the Republic of Costa Rica
    On another expedition, Francisco helped discover what would become Costa Rica.
  • 1528

    The discovery of Peru

    The discovery of Peru
    Francisco traveled with Diego de Almagro. They discovered the land of Peru.
  • 1528

    Francisco returns to Spain

    Francisco returns to Spain
    After discovering Peru, Francisco returned to Spain. He asked for permission to claim Peru for Spain.
  • 1530

    Peru is claimed for Spain

    Peru is claimed for Spain
    Francisco took another expedition to Peru where he claimed the land for Spain. He traveled with his 3 half-brothers.
  • 1541

    Francisco is killed

    Francisco is killed
    One of Diego de Almagro's men found Francisco and killed him. Though he was greedy and cruel, Francisco's life helped open the door for other discoveries in the American continents.