Jan 1, 1476
Francisco Pizarro Is Born
Francisco Pizarro born in 1476 in Trujillo, Spain. He was brought up by his mothers side of the family. -
Jan 1, 1476
Battle of Morat
When Pizarro was born there was a war in Morat which may have affected the environment of which he was raised. -
Jan 1, 1500
The Birth of Charles
Charles V is born as son of Philip I, this means that the European powers changed while Pizarro was still alive. -
Jan 1, 1502
Francisco Pizarro Sailed for Hispaniola
He sailed with 23 men to Hispaniola -
Jan 1, 1513
Discovered the Pacific Ocean
Pizarro discovered the Pacific Ocean with Balboa in his crew. -
Jan 1, 1524
Francisco Pizarro led expeditions of South America
Pizarro led expeditions down the pacific coast of South America -
Period: Jan 1, 1524 to Jan 1, 1527
Expeditions of South America
Pizarro led expedtions of the pacific coast of South America -
Jan 1, 1527
New Diseases
Fransisco Pizarro brought the small pox with him to Ecuador, the new disease killed many people who had no immunity to the disease. -
Jan 1, 1530
Led an Expedition to Peru
Francisco Pizarro led an expeditions of Peru with his crew and Balboa he then soon after returned to England -
Jan 1, 1530
The Capture
Pizarro captured a great Incan leader by the name of Atahuallpa -
Sep 24, 1532
Leaves San Miguel
Pizarro left San Miguel for Cajamarca which was a city founded by the Incans. -
Nov 16, 1532
Conquering Cajamarca
Francisco conquers Cajamarca with Balboa and spreads religeon. -
Jul 26, 1533
Everything that goes up, must come down.
Pizarro orders the execution of the great Incan leader Atahuallpa who led his people against the explorer and his men. -
Nov 15, 1533
The Fall of Cuzco
Francisco takes the city of Cuzco which was defensless without the help of Atahuallpa, their leader. -
Jan 1, 1535
Fransisco Pizarro's New Home
Fransisco founded the city of Lima where he and his family lived for six years. -
Jun 26, 1541
Pizarro is Dead
Fransisco Pizarro is assasinated in his own home in Lima, his family is immediatley sent home to Europe.