Francisco Giver Vocab

By haileyf
  • sheepish

    not talking
    The little girl was sheepish when she joined the soccer team.
  • Serenely

    peacefully and calmly
    The baby was serenely sleeping.
  • Avert

    Turn away
    stop looking
    The boy saw is baby sister was crying so he avert.
  • Hasty

    hurried and rushed
    The mom had to hasty and go to the store to get a gift for her friend.
  • Indolence

    The family was so indolence today they did not want to do anything.,
  • unnerving

    making someone feel good
    giving a turn
    The boy was very unnerving to the little girl when she was getting bully.
  • requisitioned

    being clam
    The teacher requisitioned the new class
  • conspicous

    noticeable easy to see
    The girl was so conspicous to see on the slide.
  • self-consciously

    showing your embarrassed
    The boy was self-consciously because he did not have alot.
  • Tentatively

    uncertainly and hesitantly
    The mom was tebtatively at her kids.
  • torrent

    swift-flowing stream of something
    The water was torrent when I went to fish
  • obsolete

    no longer useful
    dont care about
    The mom was obsolete to her kids
  • unwiedy

    difficult to carry or handle
    The table was unwiedy to carry when we were moving it
  • wincing

    shrinking back involuntarily
    The mom was wincing the clothes
  • fretful

    uneasy or distressed
    The mom was very fretful on the party she had to plan for her sons birthday.
  • admonition

    be careful
    The dad have a admonition to his kids when they were crossing the street
  • relinquished

    gave up or let go
    The boy relinquished at his soccer game because he could not score a goal