
Francis Crick

  • Period: to

    Coming into this world , Ending with a BOOM

  • Goes to College at Mill Hill School in London , Englans

    Goes to College at Mill Hill School in London , Englans
    Crick wins a scholarship to Mill Hill School, London
    then goes off to the University college of london & studies physics , later graduating in 1937
  • Strangeways Labratory

    Strangeways Labratory
    Crick moved to the Strangeways Laboratory, Cambridge, where he studied the physical properties of cytoplasm in cultured fibroblast cells with Arthur Hughes. Two years later he joined the Medical Research Unit at Cavendish Laboratory.
  • James Watson

    James Watson
    James Watson arrived at the Cavendish and met Crick. The two quickly became friends and started on an attempt to uncover the structure of DNA. Crick brought to the project his knowledge of X-ray diffraction, while Watson brought knowledge of bacterial genetics.
  • Sydney Brenner

    Sydney Brenner
    Crick began work with Sydney Brenner to determine how the sequence of DNA bases would specify the amino acid sequence in proteins.
  • AWARD :D

    AWARD :D
    Crick, Watson and Wilkins are awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material".
  • Salk institute

    Salk institute
    Crick finally left Cambridge Laboratories in 1976 to become Kieckhefer Professor at Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, California. It was there that Crick began his studies of the brain.
  • AutoBiography

    Crick publishes his intellectual autobiography 'What Mad Pursuit: A Personal View of Scientific Discovery'
  • Views Of consciousness

    Views Of consciousness
    Crick publishes his views on consciousness: 'The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific Search for the Soul'
  • Other Awards

    Other Awards
    In addition to the Nobel Prize, his honours included the Lasker Award, the Award of Merit from the Gairdner Foundation, and the Prix Charles Leopold Meyer of the French Academy of Sciences. He was a member of the US National Academy of Sciences, the Royal Society, the French Academy of Sciences and the Irish Academy
  • Death at Age 88

    Death at Age 88
    Francis Crick lead a full life & he was a good man even with no family he was a good scientist .