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Francis Bacon

  • Jan 22, 1561


    Francis Bacon was born in York house London England to sir Nicolas Bacon the lord keeper of the seal
    Died in March 1626 of pneumonia
  • 1573


    Enters trinity college Cambridge where he studies until 1575 at the age of 12. A year later began studying law at Grays Inn

    In 1581 He got a job as a member for the Cornwall in the House of Commons and appointed the position of outer Barrister in 1582.
    In 1584 he composed a letter of advice to Queen Elizabeth
    Bacon held his place in parliament for nearly four decades from 1584 to 1617

    After the collapse of his political career he was able to focus on the philosophy of science. He created a new outline for the sciences with the focus on empirical scientific methods.

    Bacon published the Novum Organum the scientific method should begin with the tables of investigation. He believed that observation and analysis were sufficient in producing a greater comprehension