France Terrorist Threat

By dmoyer
  • What happened?

    It all really started when france went into west africa to mine for things like gold and uraniam.
    But the islamic rebels didn't like that.
  • what will happen?

    what happened because of this was AL-QUEDA (terrorist group)
    kidnapped 4 miners from france.
  • France interviening

    France interviening
    france interviened with libya's uprising .
    there was rebels with wepons and france decided to help.
  • Oil

    africa is rich in oil and france is trying to control part of that to but the islamic rebels and AL-QAEDA will not let this happen.
    the result in them fighting will altamitly end up causing some peoples lives for no cause.
  • Adding fuel to the fire

    when france interveined with libyas uprising it was the begging of a big fight.
    islamic soldiers didnt like that so they started to send terrorist threats to france for interveining with libyas upriising and mining in west africa
  • Frances Fears

    france fears not only Mali (west africa) but also unstabalizing the area also what the economy will look like for africa after taking there recources.
  • What i know?

    What i know?
    i know that europe is a buetiful country from what i have hears and seen my article that i read had nothing to do with what i already knew.
  • Authors meaning and purpose?

    Authors meaning and purpose?
    The author was trying to ell us about the terrorist threat against france.
    He did this for intertain and inform.
  • Citation

  • Prediction accuracy

    Prediction accuracy
    my predictions were mostly correct but all in all i predict this conflict will spiral out of control or people will stop caring and forget about it.