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France- Gateway to America

By ckossik
  • Immigrating to America

    Immigrating to America
    In 1820, many people from France immigrated to the United States because there was crop failure, land and job shortages, rising taxes, and famine. Something else that motivated them to immigrate was to live a better life.
  • Claudette Colbert

    Claudette Colbert
    Claudette Colbert was born in 1903 in Saint-Mandé, Val-de-Marne, France. In 1910, her family and her moved to New York City. Claudette and her family lived in a fifth-floor walk-up at 53rd Street. They moved to New York for Claudette's acting and to pursue more employment opportunities.
  • Claudette Colberts life in New York City

    Claudette Colberts life in New York City
    Claudette Colbert's life in New York City was very good and she was extremely successful. She got a part in "A kiss in the Taxi", "The Barker" , etc. She also won the Academy Award for Best Actress for It Happened One Night. She was an incredible actor and she was in many movies.
  • Claudette Colbert first film

    Claudette Colbert first film
    In 1927 her first film was called For the Love of Mike. She didn't really enjoy being in the film industry, but there was no other theatrical roles, so she had to stay in this film.
  • First marriage

    First marriage
    Claudette Colbert was first married to Norman Foster from 1928-1934. Norman Foster was also an American film director. Him and Claudette were huge stars during this time. They secretly got married because they were afraid of Claudette's moms reaction.
  • Claudette's first memorable roles

    Claudette's first memorable roles
    Claudette played Cecil B. DeMille’s in movie "The Sign of the Cross". This role was very important to her because she did an incredible job acting and the costumes were very appealing to her. Nothing was wrong with this role. She loved it so much.
  • Claudette's best year

    Claudette's best year
    In 1934, she was starred in a incredibly successful movie called " Cleopatra". She was also in a comedy show and everyone loved her so much that she started to get recognized even more. Because of this, she got awarded an Academy Award. All three films were nominated for best motion picture that year.
  • Her second marriage

    Her second marriage
    Claudette's second marriage was with a man named Joel Pressman. He was a surgeon and they were married for 33 years. He put so much joy into Claudette's life, but then he passed away in 1968.
  • Highest paid star

    Highest paid star
    In 1938, she was known as the highest paid star in Hollywood. Since she grew up speaking both French and English, that gave her a huge advantage to be in both European and American films. This was the peak of her career.
  • Claudette Colbert's death

    Claudette Colbert's death
    Claudette Colbert made all her movies look so effortlessly intelligent and charming. That what was made her so successful in life. If she never moved to New York City when she was 3 years old, all of this would have never happened. She died at her 200 year old plantation house in Speightstown, Barbados in 1993 due to a stroke.