
france and britain clash

  • france and britain crash

    france and britain crash
  • tuscarrora joined iroquois

    tuscarrora joined iroquois
    the iroquois mannaged to remain inddependent by trading with the french and the british
  • hostilty grew between the forces

    hostilty grew between the forces
    british fur traders built a fort ata place called pickawillany.
    the french attecked pickawillany.and drove the british fur traders out of ohio.and began raiding towns in maine and new york.
  • iroquois under great pressure

    iroquois under great pressure
    as the britsh moved into the ohio valley.they became britiches allie.the decided on a fair trading amount
  • sending washington

    sending washington
    robert dinwiddie sent george washimton into the ohio country
  • washingtons first command

    dinwiddie made washington a lieutenant colonel. he then sent washington back to the ohio country with a miltia which is a group of civilizations trained to fight in emergency situations.
  • the albany plan of union

    representitives from several colonies met in albany, new york, in june 1754 to descuss the threat of war