
  • Nov 2, 1572

    st.Bartholomew day massacre

    st.Bartholomew day massacre
    In 1572 the st.bartholomew day massacre in Paris sparked a six week, nation wide slughter of Huguenots.
  • henry of navarre

    henry of navarre
    when both catherine and her last son died prince henry ingerited the thrown.
  • took peace

    took peace
    he declared that the huguenots could live in peace in france and set up there own houses of worship in some cities.
  • stabbing henry

    stabbing henry
    a fanatic leaped into royal carrige and stabbed henry to death
  • louis

    after henry died louse his son took over he was a week king but later apointed another to rule.
  • ending war

    ending war
    mazarins greatest triumph came in 1648 with the ending of the thirdy years war.
  • tering french

    the people of french tore there city apart by threatining there kings life and a bunch of other violent acts against the king.
  • died

    cardinal mazarin died
  • invation

    louis envaded the spanish netherlands
  • gained troops

    he gained 12 diferent troops