Founding Fathers Timeline

  • Massacre at Mystic

    Massacre at Mystic
    The massacre was also known as the "Pequot massacre". An also the battle of Mystic Fort. This was when colonist were under Captain John Mason.This event involved Indians being brutally murdered. In this event the Indians were killed at their homes being slashed or shot or even burnt alive.
  • The Scalp Act

    The Scalp Act
    A governor named Robert Morris enacted the Scalp Act.Any person who brought In a male scape above the age of 12 would be given $150. For any female over 12 or also females under the age of 12 would get paid $130.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The event was an American political mercantile protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston. American colonist were frustrated and angry at Britain for imposing "taxation without representation." 342 chests of tea were dumped.
  • The Battles of Lexington and Concord

     The Battles of Lexington and Concord
    The battle of Lexington and Concord signaled of the stat of the American Revolutionary War. The British Army has set out of Boston to capture the rebel leaders Samual Adams and John Hancock in Lexington. This was to also destroy the American store of weapons and ammunition in Concord.
  • The Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War. The battles were fought in Middlesex County of Province of Massachusetts Bay.
  • The Declaration of Independence is signed

    The Declaration of Independence is signed
    The Declaration of Independence was written to explain why the colonists were declaring independence from Great Britain and why the colonists had the right. Thomas Jefferson wrote it and there is three parts of the Declaration. 1. The basic ideas about people and government, 2. States the reasons why the Founders thought they had the right to be free from the British rule, and 3. states the compliant against the British king.
  • The Winter at Valley Forge

    The Winter at Valley Forge
    General George Washington moved the Continental Army to their winter quarters at valley Forge. The Revolutionary forces had secured a pivotal victory at Saratoga in September and October.
  • The winter at Valley Forge

    The winter at Valley Forge
    George Washington led the army to a protected valley after fleeing the British takeover of Philadelphia. The Continental Army needed shelter for the coming inter after suffering a series of defeats. It was Northwest of Philadelphia. Starvation, disease and exposure killed nearly 2,500 American soldiers by the end of February of 1778.
  • Benedict Arnold turns traitor

    Benedict Arnold turns traitor
    He entered into secret negotiations with the British agreeing to turn over the United States post at West Point in return for money and a command in the British Army.
  • The Battle of Cowpens

    The Battle of Cowpens
    The Battle of Cowpens was In the American Revolution. The Americans victory over a British force on the Northern border of South Carolina. It slowed the Lord Cornwallis campaign to invade North Carolina.
  • Article of Confederation are ratified

    Article of Confederation are ratified
    The Articles of Confederation were ratified during the American Revolution. The Articles of Confederation were signed by Congress.Then they were sent to the individual states for ratification. It took 16 months of debate over land claims and that delayed the final ratification. Then it took almost four more years.
  • The Constitution is Ratified

    The Constitution is Ratified
    2/3rds of the Congress had to approve the proposing amendment to the Constitution. For the Ratification 3/4ths of the states. Voting either in special elections or state conventions must vote to ratify an amendment of the Constitution. It took 10 months for the first nine states to approve the Constitution.
  • Presidential Inauguration of George Washington

    Presidential Inauguration of George Washington
    George Washington was the first president of the nation. He made his first inaugural address before both houses of Congress. He acknowledged Providence as guiding the Nations steps. "No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible Hand." That says that affairs of men more than those of the United States.
  • The 3/5ths Compromise

    The 3/5ths Compromise
    This was apart of a provision of the original constitution. it had dealt with a lot how seats in the House of Representatives and dole out taxes based on population. The state populations would be determined by as a whole number of the free people.
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    Washington's Farewell Address
    It's a letter written by the First Nations President George Washington. It was written to "friends and the fellow citizens" after 2 years of the public service to the United States. He wrote this letter at his end of his second term of presidency.
  • The Death of George Washington

    The Death of George Washington
    George Washington passed away during the evening of December 14, 1799. He passed away at Mount Vernon. He died of a throat infection and was buried four days later in a family vault located in Mount Vernon.
  • Election Day 1800

    Election Day 1800
    The Election Day was held from October 31 to December 3, 1800. It is also sometimes referred to as the "revolution of 1800." This was the first election both parties ran candidates and actually campaigned. Also there was a tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Of this election there was the 12th amendment that was passed to make the electoral college simpler.
  • Marbury VS. Madison 1803

    Marbury VS. Madison 1803
    This case strengthened the federal judiciary by establishing for its power of judicial review. The federal courts could declare a legislation As well as an executive and administrative action.
  • Slave Trade Ends in the United States

    Slave Trade Ends in the United States
    The slave trade ends in the United States was about the act of importation of slaves in the United States. Congress war first to go against the trade.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Battle of Tippecanoe
    It was a victory of a seasoned U.S. expeditionary force. It was lead under Major General William Henry Harrison. the Shawnee Indians were led by Tecyseh's brother Laulewasikau also known as prophet.It was the end of his dream of a Native American confederacy. This defeat prompted Tecumseh to ally his remaining forces with Great Britain during the War of 1812.
  • The USS Constitution defeats the HMS Guerriere

    The USS Constitution defeats the HMS Guerriere
    It was a battle between two ships during the War of 1812. It took place shortly after the war had broken out. It was exactly one month after the first engagement between the British and the American forces.
  • The Battle of Baltimore

     The Battle of Baltimore
    The Battle of Baltimore was a sea/land fought battle. It was between the British invaders and also the American defenders in the war of 1812. This battle lasted from September 12 ,1814 to September 15, 1814.
  • The Battle of New Orleans

    The Battle of New Orleans
    The Battle of New Orleans was the final major battle of the War of 1812. It was fought between the British Empire and the newly formed United States.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was he United States federal legislation that stopped the northern attempts to forever prohibit slavery.
  • The Election of Andrew Jackson

    The Election of Andrew Jackson
    In the election of Andrew Jackson he won a plurality of votes and the popular vote in the election of 1824. He then lost to John Quincy Adams as the election was deferred to the House of Representatives.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The act was singed by President Andrew Jackson. It was authorizing the president to grant lands west of the Mississippi River. In exchange of Indian lands within the state border.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    During the Trail of Tears Native Americans marched over 1,200 miles of land. The land they walked on was very rugged. The harsh weather conditions, food supply, being shot, and also disease killed some. It started in 1831 and ended in 1877.
  • Nat Turner Rebellion

    Nat Turner Rebellion
    This started on August 21,1831 and went till August 23, 1831. He was an enslaved man who had then led a rebellion of people on August 21. His actions the set off a massacre of up to 200 black people. This then hit a new wave of oppressive legislation.
  • The Battle of the Alamo

    The Battle of the Alamo
    this battle lasted from February 23,1826 through March 6 of 1836. It was fought between the Republic of Texas and Mexico. It took place at a fort in San Antonia ,Texas called the Alamo. The Mexicans won the battle.
  • Mexico loses California, New Mexico, and Arizona

    Mexico loses California, New Mexico, and Arizona
    It was under the terms of the treaty negotiated by Trust. Mexico had ceded to the United States and Upper California and also New Mexico. This was also known as the Mexican Cession.
  • The Fugitive Slave Act

    The Fugitive Slave Act
    This act was passed by congress. It was apart of the compromise of 1850. This act required the slaves to be returned to their owners eve if they were a free state. This also made the government responsible for finding, returning the escaped slaves.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    This event had stunned the nation. The United States upheld slavery in the United States territories. It denied the legality of black citizenship in America. This declared the Missouri Compromise to be unconstitutional.
  • The Dead Rabbits Riot

    The Dead Rabbits Riot
    The Dead Rabbits Riot was aa two day civil disturbance in New York City. It involved a small street fight between members of the Dead Rabbits and the Bowery Boys. It then became a city wide gang war which then occurred on July 4 through the 5th of 1857.
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected President

    Abraham Lincoln Elected President
    Abraham Lincoln took office after the following 1860 presidential election. he won in popularity vote in a four candidate field. All of Lincolns votes came from the Northern United States as republicans held little appeal to voters in the Southern United States.
  • South Carolina secedes from the United States

    South Carolina secedes from the United States
    South Carolina was the first state. to secede from the federal union on December 20th. the secession of South Carolina precipitated the outbreak of the American Civil War in Charleston harbor on April 12, 1861.
  • The First Battle of Bull Run

     The First Battle of Bull Run
    This event was also known as the "Battle of Manassas". It was the first major land battle of the American Civil War. 35,000 Union troops marched from the federal capital in Washington, D.C. to strip a Confederate force of 20,000 along a small river known as bull run.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    This proclamation meant that "all peoples held as slaves" within the rebellious states would henceforward as free.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg
    this Battle lasted from July 1, 1863 to July 3, 1863. This battle was a turning point in the Civil War. It costed the union 23,000 killed, wounded, or missing in action. The confederates suffered some 25,000 casualties. the Civil war effectively ended with the surrender of General Lee's Amy of Northern Virginia in April 1865.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The 13th amendment was passed on April 8 of 1864. It was passed by the house on January 31 of 1865 then ratified by the states on December 6 of 1865. This amendment abolished slavery within the United States.
  • The Treaty at Appomattox Courthouse

    The Treaty at Appomattox Courthouse
    confederate General Robert E.Lee surrendered his army to the Union General Ulyssess S. Grant. Preciptating the capitulation of other Confederate forces and leading to the end of the bloodiest conflict in American history.
  • The ku Klux Klan is established

    The ku Klux Klan is established
    It was known as a domestic terrorist organization. It was founded after the Civil War ended.It had a lot of violence and was used to maintain white supremacy in the southern government.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th amendment was passed by the senate on July 8 of 1866. It was then ratified on July 9 of 1868. This amendment is about granting citizenship to born or a naturalized in the United States. This included the former enslaved people and also provided all citizens with equal protection under the laws.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    This amendment was passed by congress on February 26 of was then ratified on February 3 of 1870. this amendment was about African American men being able to have the right to vote.
  • John D. Rockefeller Creates Standard Oil

    John D. Rockefeller Creates Standard Oil
    In 1870 he established Standard Oil. By the 1880s was controlling some 90 percent of U.S. refineries and pipelines. He made a deal with a company. It was known as the largest oil refinery through 1868.
  • Alexander Graham Bell Patents the Telephones

    Alexander Graham Bell Patents the Telephones
    A 29 year old Alexander Graham Bell receives a patent for his revolutionary new invention. He worked in London with his father Melville Bell. He is best known fro his invention of the telephone because it revolutionized communication as we know it.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    It was the most decisive Native American Victory and also the worst United States defeat in the long Plains Indian War.
  • The Great Oklahoma land Race

    The Great Oklahoma land Race
    It was the first race to run into the unassigned lands of former Indian territory. It was earlier assigned to the Creek and Seminole peoples. ,
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    Battle of Wounded Knee
    The Battle of Wounded Knee was located on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in southwestern Dakota.It left 150 native Americans dead. It was also the last clash between the federal troops ad the Sioux.
  • Ellis Islands Opens to process Immigrants

    Ellis Islands Opens to process Immigrants
    When Ellis Island opened it brought a great change in the United States. It served the nations major immigration station from 1892 to 1924. It was estimated that 12 million immigrants passed through. They were then processed by immigration authorities and obtained permission to enter the United States.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    This event was a landmark of 1896. the Supreme Court decided to upheld the constituently of racial segregation under the "separate but equal" doctrine.
  • The sinking of the USS Maine

     The sinking of the USS Maine
    This was an explosion when an unknown origin sank the battleship U.S.S. Maine in the Havana, Cuba harbor. It killed 2666 of the 354 crew members. This led to the naval blockade of Cuba and a declaration of War.
  • The Wizard of Oz (book) is Published

    The Wizard of Oz (book) is Published
    it was first published in 1900 =. It was about a modern fairy tale with a distinctly American setting. It had engaging fantasy characters as the story was enormously popular and become a classic of a children's literature.
  • J.P. Morgan founds U.S. steel

    J.P. Morgan founds U.S. steel
    The United States Corporation leading U.S. producer of steel. The founder of U.S. Steel was J.P. Morgan. A wealthy financier who acquired Andrew Carnegies steel company and merges it with seven other steel companies, two of which he controlled.
  • The 17th Amendment

    The 17th Amendment
    The seventeenth Amendment restates the first parish of Article 1 Section 3 of the Constitution. It provides for the election of senators.
  • Teddy Roesvett Becomes President Of the United States

    Teddy Roesvett Becomes President Of the United States
    The presidency of Theodore Roosevelt started on September 14, 1901 when Theodore became the 26th president of the United States.It was upon the assassination of president William McKinley.
  • Ford Motor Company is founded

    Ford Motor Company is founded
    It was founded in 1903. Henry and 12 others invested $28,000 and created Ford Motor Company. The first car built by the Company was sold July 15, 1903.
  • Ida Tarbell Publishes her article about standard oil

    Ida Tarbell Publishes her article about standard oil
    She investigated journalism on Standard oil. It was serialized in 19 articles that ran from November q902 to 1904. her article was also was being published with pieces by Lincoln Steffens and Ray Standard baker.
  • Angel Island Opens to Process Immigrants

    Angel Island Opens to Process Immigrants
    In January 1910 it wad considers ideal because of its isolation. The access to the island was very important to control and enforce the relatively new immigration.
  • The 16th Amendment is Passed

    The 16th Amendment is Passed
    The 16th Amendment is ratified in 1913. It played a central role in building up the powerful American federal government of the twentieth century.
  • Sacco and Vanzetti arrested for armed robbery and murder

    Sacco and Vanzetti arrested for armed robbery and murder
    Sacco and Vanzetti were charged with the crime of murder on May 5th. They were later indicted on September 14, 1920 and put on trial on May 21, of 1921. This case is a widely regarded as a miscarriage of justice in American legal history. this case showed racial discrimination and highlighted the unfairness in the US legal system towards immigrants.
  • KDKA goes on the air from Pittsburgh

    KDKA goes on the air from Pittsburgh
    The KDKA was the first commercial radio station in Pittsburgh. It went on air in the evening of November 2 of 1920. On the evening of November 2nd there was a broadcast of the returns of the Harding-Cox presidential election.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    The teapot Dome scandal was a bribery scandal involving the administration of the United States President Warren G. Harding from 1921 to 1923. it also involved secretary interior Albert fall who accepted valuable gifts and large sums of money from private oil companies.
  • 1st Miss American Pageant

    1st Miss American Pageant
    This was an activity to attract tourists to extend their Labor Day holiday weekend. This also allowed them to enjoy the festivities in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Margaret Gorman was the winner of the 1921 "Inter- City Beauty" Contest and the fist Miss America.
  • 1st Winter Olympics Held

    1st Winter Olympics Held
    The Winter Olympic Games is an international sporting event that only occurs once every four years. The first Winter Olympics were held in Chamonix, France.
  • The Great Gatsby published by F. Scott Fitzgerald

    The Great Gatsby published by F. Scott Fitzgerald
    Fitzgerald was the most famous chronicler of the 1920s. The Great Gatsby is the third novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The novel tells the tragic story of Jay Gatsby. He was a self made millionaire and his pursuit of Daisy Buchanan which was a wealthy young women he loved. this novel was very famous because it explores universal themes.
  • Scopes Monkey Trial

    Scopes Monkey Trial
    It is formally known as the State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes. It was an American legal case in July of 1925. The case was about a teacher being accused of violating the Tennessees Butler Act.
  • Charles Lindbergh completes solo flight across the Atlantic

    Charles Lindbergh completes solo flight across the Atlantic
    On May 21, 1927 Charles A. Lindbergh completed the first solo nonstop flight in history. He landed successfully in Le Bourget Field in Pari. This flight was the first ever nonstop flight between New York to Paris. He was also the first man to successfully fly an airplane over the Atlantic Ocean.
  • The Jazz Singer debuts (1st movie with sound)

    The Jazz Singer debuts (1st movie with sound)
    On December 30, 1927 The jazz Singer is the first commercially successful full length feature film with sound. It was an American musical film that was the first feature length movie with synchronized dialogue.
  • St. Valentine's Day Massacre

    St. Valentine's Day Massacre
    this event marked the end of any significant gang opposition to Capones rule in Chicago. It was the murder of seven members and associates of Chicagos North Side Gang. This was a mass murder of a group of unarmed bootlegging gang members in Chicago. The bloody incident dramatized the intense rivalry for control of the illegal liquor traffic during the Prohibition Era in the United States.
  • Black Tuesday (Stock Market Crash)

    Black Tuesday (Stock Market Crash)
    The Wall Street Crash of 1929 is also known as the Great Crash was a major American stock market crash. It started on October 24, 1929 till November 13, of 1929. This was when stock prices collapsed completely. On black Monday October 28th of 1929 the Dow declined neatly 13 percent and on the following day Black Tuesday the market dropped nearly 12 percent.
  • The Adoption of the Star Spangled Banner as the National Anthem

    The Adoption of the Star Spangled Banner as the National Anthem
    The Star Spangled banner was in use for the United States Navy in 1889. It was then made the national anthem by a congressional revolution on March 3 of 1931 and was signed by President Herbert Hoover.
  • The Empire State Building Opens

    The Empire State Building Opens
    Construction started on March 17, 1930. The building opened thirteen and a half months afterward on may 1, 1931.
  • Battle of the Philippines

    Battle of the Philippines
    The Battle of the Philippines lasted from June 19,1944 to June 20, 1944. It was a naval battle of World War II between the Japanese combined fleet and the United States fifth fleet. It was knows as the greatest carrier battle of war. It accompanied the United States landing on Saipan and ended with a United States victory.