Founding Fathers timeline

  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    This event was one of the first stepping stones leading to the revolution against the British, this led to the Coercive Acts in 1774, and the Revolutionary War in 1775.
  • Period: to

    Founding Fathers Timeline

  • The battles of lexington and concord

    The battles of lexington and concord
    This battle and the bullet heard around the world, marked the start of the American War of Independence
  • Signing of the declaration of independence

    Signing of the declaration of independence
    This document detached the Americas from Britain, it wrote on paper how America wasn't going to be apart of Britain and that they were their own country.
  • The Winter at Valley Forge

    The Winter at Valley Forge
    Valley Forge was a Harsh area where not much could be done, including battles, this was a relative period of calm for the armies to gather their footing in peace. The wet and cold winter weather, muddy and impassable roads, and scant supplies made major battles rare and a nuisance for both sides.
  • The articles of confederation are rattified

    The articles of confederation are rattified
    The Articles of Confederation were the documents that established the way the new government of America would function after it declared independence from Great Britain.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    This battle was the engagement that ended British rule in the colonies.
  • The Constitution is ratified

    The Constitution is ratified
    This made the Constitution the official law of the United States and turned the colonies into states that had laws and functioned.
  • Presidential inauguration of George Washington

    Presidential inauguration of George Washington
    This was the inauguration of the first American leader, this is a historic event for our country and really proved that America could be independent from Britain.
  • Washingtons farewell address

    Washingtons farewell address
    In his farewell address, Washington explained how he saw America and how he believed it should be run, he stepped down from office and seems to want future presidents to do so as well after 2 terms.
  • The Death of George Washington

    The Death of George Washington
    This was the death of America's first beloved leader.
  • Election day 1800

    Election day 1800
    This was the first election in American history, a leader wasn't decided through power or money or murder, it was decided through votes, peacefully.
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Marbury vs. Madison
    In Marbury v. Madison the Supreme Court for the first time, struck down an act of Congress as unconstitutional. This decision created the idea of judicial review and proved the Supreme Court of the United States as the lawful interpreter of the Constitution.