Founding Fathers -Benjamin Frankl-in

  • Birth

    He was born in Boston, the youngest son of Josiah and Abiah (Folger) Franklin. (January 6, 1705 by "Old Style" reckoning).
  • Education

    Final formal year of schooling
    Heard Increase Mather preach
  • Job

    Takes over the publishing of the Courant after brother James is jailed due to "contempt" charges.
    (Sept.) Runs away from apprenticeship, goes to New York and then to Philadelphia, where he gains employment as a printer.
    Takes lodging with John Read whose daughter Deborah will become Franklin's wife in 1730
  • Life

    Returns home to Boston to try to borrow money from his father to start print shop. Is denied.
    Returns to Philadelphia and courts Deborah Read.
    Under encouragement from PA Governor William Keith travels to London in order buy printing equipment. Keith's letters of credit for him never materialized and Franklin is stranded in London. Remains in London working as a printer working for Samuel Palmer.
  • Politics

    Named Clerk of the PA Assembly
    Prints currency for NJ
    Son Francis (Franky) Folger dies at age 4 of smallpox
    Organized the Union Fire Company (Franklin regularly attends meetings of the Library Company, the Masonic Lodge, the Junto, and now the Fire Company)
    Prints "A Treaty of Friendship held with the Chiefs of the Six Nations at Philadelphia"
    First public use of the PA State House (Independence Hall, which was designed by Andrew Hamilton
  • Achievements

    Official printer for New Jersey
    George Whitefield preaches to enthusiastic crowds numbering in the thousands; buys 5,000 acres on which he intends to build a school for African-Americans. School not built. Franklin prints much material for Whitefield.
  • His Project

    His Project
    Franklin organized and publicized a project to sponsor plant collecting trips by renowned Philadelphia botanist John Bartram.
  • Writing

    Franklin writes "The Plain Truth," a pamphlet arguing for better military preparedness in PA. In the pamphlet is the first political cartoon published in America.
    Peter Collinson of London sends Franklin an electric tube. "For my own part, I never was before engaged in any study that so totally engrossed my attention and my time as this has lately done.
  • His Plans

    His Plans
    Conducts kite experiment
    Received Copley Medal of the royal Society of London for research in electricity. Deputy Postmaster General of N.A.
    Wrote a plan for a union of the colonies for security and defense.
  • About what he did

    About what he did
    Signed Peace Treaty
    Invented bifocals
  • Important Fact

    Important Fact
    Signs the United States Constitution
  • Death

    He dies in Philadelphia at the age of 84. 20,000 mourners attend his funeral at Philadelphia's Christ Church Burial Ground.