Founding fathers

  • The Boston tea party

    The Boston tea party was a protest when a group of 60 American colonists threw 342 cheats of tea into the Boston Harbor to go against both the tax of tea and the perceived monopoly of the East India Company.
    It was the first act of defiance to British rule over the colonists
  • The battles of lexington and concord

    It was some of the leading military engagements of the American revolutionary war
  • The constitution of independence is signed

    It was an official step taken by the American colonies toward independence
    To explain the colonist's right to the revolution
  • The winter at valley forge

    It is location of the 1777-1778 winter encampment of the continental army
  • Article of confederation are ratified

    Adopted the Articles of confederation the first constitution of the U.S
  • The battle of yorktown

    the decisive engagement
  • Presidential inauguration of George Washington

    Was the first 4 year term of George Washington as president
  • Washingtonton's farewell adress

    To serve as a guide to future statecraft for the American public and his successors in office
    he urged Americans to subordinates sectional jealousies to common national interests
  • The death of George Washington

    It was important because he created standards in all political, military, and economic areas, he also helped shape the office's future role
  • Period: to

    Election day,1800

    Vice president thomas jefferson defeated the federalist party candidate, incumbent president john Adams
  • Marbury v.s madison

    I sued the new secretary of state Established the principle of judicial review