Founding Fathers

  • The Boston Tea Party

    342 chests of tea were dumped into the harbor by angry American colonists. The American colonists were upset because Britain was imposing "taxation without representation".
  • The Battles of Lexington and Concord

    The fight took place in the town of Lexington. Eventually, the British retreated. This event kicked off the American Revolutionary War.
  • The Declaration of Independence is Signed

    The signing of the declaration took place in the Pennsylvania State House, which was later renamed the Independence Hall. Not all of the 56 signitures were signed on the same day.
  • The Winter at Valley Forge

    Living conditions during this winter were very difficult due to the shortages of clothes, shoes, food, and blankets.
  • Articles of Confederation are Ratified

    The Articles of Confederation were adopted by the Congress on November 15, 1777, but it wasn't ratified by all 13 states until March 1, 1781.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The British army surrendered to the American forces and the French allies. This was the last major battle of the American Revolution and led to George Washington being elected as the president of the United States.
  • The Constitution is Ratified

    New Hampshire became the 9th of 13 states to ratify the Constitution, which was necessary for it to become the law.
  • Presidential Inauguration of George Washington

    Washington arrived at New York City's Federal Hall, took the oath, and delivered his address.
  • Washington’s Farewell Address

    This address warned the people of "foreign entanglements". It was telling the nation to come together to focus on threats at home.
  • The Death of George Washington

    Washington died at Mount Vernon from a throat infection.
  • Election Day, 1800

    Thomas Jefferson beat John Adams in the election, 73 to 65. Jefferson tied with Aaron Burr, so the final vote was decided by the House of Representatives. The House elected Thomas Jefferson as the president.
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    The Congress cannot pass laws that override the Constitution. This case established judicial review.