First public schoolPuritans contributed to education was one of the most important for todays curriculum. The Puritans who came from England were highly educated even in those hard times. At first the schools were similar to what was in England in the way that the students had benefactors to help pay for education. These schools produced students with higher literacy rates that what was in England. Eventually these school had to abondon the practice of having a benefactor due to lack of money. -
Massachusetts education lawsIn 1642 the first laws with regards to education are created. There were men in each town that had the job of making sure parents were provide education. The laws stated what each child was to be taught. Education became compusary. At this time every 100 or more households hasd to establish a grammer school. This law was called the Old Deluder or Satan Law. Teacher that was provided was required to teach reading and writing, along with the religious education that was taught. -
Noah Webster had the first published text book for education. The Blue Backed Speller taught grammar, reading and spelling, This book is the basis for our Webster's Dictionary that we currently have.
Noah also encouraged our American English rather than the King's English, since we were our own country and separate from England. -
First Monitorial school established. A monitorial school was a school that had one paid teacher over 100's of students and then each teacher had several aides that would assist the teacher. I think of this important because it is a start of aides in the school. Even though we don't have as many aides in schools now it appears to be the start of them in the system. -
THOMAS JEFFERSON founded University of Virginia. He supported education for all, stating that the survival of democracy depended on education. He believed that men should be educated because you need a minimum of education, reading and writing, in order to vote and elect government. -
Common Schools
1830-1865 American Education as we know it takes form. State systems are establish. The government approves tasation for the support of schools. Many people were not happy with the idea of being forced to pay for a school, especially if they didn't have children in school at that time. -
FATHER OF EDUCAITONHorace Mann is know as the Father of Education. Man was a majority leader of MA state senate. He organized school in MA into a state system. Mann created the State Board of Education and he was the first Secretary of Education. Mann fought for the education right of every child. He made sure that teachers had professional training. -
I like this particular person because she was the first case of desegregation. Sarah was a 5 year girl enrolled in an all black school when her father challenged racial segregation in the schools. In 1850, the Supreme Court upheld racial segregation. -
The committee of ten was a group of individuals that gave us a standarized curriculum. The classes that were taught was Latin, Scientifics, Modern Language, & English. Rather than the teacher teaching what they thought was important they were required to teach specific subjects. This seems ot be the basis of our specific subjects, English, Math, Social Studies, etc -
US Supreme court decides that segregation needs to end. The NAACP had a number of African American families try to enroll their children into a white public school. One of these families was the Brown family. When the Brown children were denied admission to a white school the NAACP had a case to take to the courts. The case ended up in the Supreme Court and was a landmark case for it's time. The sad part is that the schools didn't admit colored kids all of the time even though it was law. -
NDEA - National Defense Education Act. Due to Russia and our cold war, money was allocated from the federal government for math, science and foreign languages. Students would need a foreign language to communicate with other countries in the future. Science and math would give us the higher logical thinking that was needed to compete with other countries of the time. -
LBJ & EducationLYDON B JOHNSON got federal legislation passed to subsidize low income housing, improve health care, expand welfare services provide job re-training in inner city areas. The eduation factor that came out of this was to train up students in a way that would help eliminate poverty by providing skills and education for employment. Forced desegregation by telling schools they would lose federal funding if the did not end segreation and support Brown vs Board of Education. -
Billions of dollars in Federal funds were set aside for education. Programs like Title 1, extra library resources, textbooks and instructional materials went to elementary and secondary education. Lydon B Johnson is the man who paved the way for this with his "war on poverty." These funds were expanded in 1966 & 1967 to include Native Americans. This was the start of Title 1 in our education system. -
IDEAIDEA - Individuas with disabilities Act. All students with disabilites have a right to an equal education. This act brought about additional items at a later date. In 1997 IEP established to require schools to give all students with disabilitis acces to general instruction. 2004 - States were made accountable for education of all students including disabled, which made schools come up with testing for all students but allowed for accomodations if necsessary for students with disablitlie. -
This report was given to President Reagan which stated that there was a rising tide of "mediocrity" eroding the educational foundation. The poor economy of the country at that time was blamed on education. It was implied that our students were not being educated enough to know what was going on around them in the world. I think this was the start of thinking about how education needed to change and the start of making schools accountible.