Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan Birth
James Montgomery Falsworth Birth
Period: to
Bucky Barnes Birth
Howard Stark Birth
Steve Rogers Birth
James Morita Birth
Maria Stark & Dorea Black Birth
Charlus Potter Birth
Peggy Carter Birth {M.P}
Harold Potter Birth
Augusta Birth
Amber Bones Birth
Period: to
WWII Cap. America
Liberation of Allied Prisoners of War
Creation of the Howling Commandos
Zola Captured (CA)
Battle in the Valkyrie
Ross Birth
Steven & Katherine Rogers Birth
Nick Fury Birth
T'Chaka Birth
N'Jobu Birth
Yondu Udonta Birth
Melinda May Birth
Phil Coulson Birth
Midtown School of Science & Tech Founded
Margot Pierce Birth
Betty Ross Birth
Robert Bruce Banner Birth
Maria Rambeau Birth
Carol Danvers Birth
James Rupert Rhodes Birth
Clint Barton Birth
Pepper Potts Birth
Tony Stark Birth
M'Baku Birth
Hope van Dyne Birth
Lance Hunter Birth
Mack Birth
Okoye Birth
W'Kabi Birth
Grant Rogers-Barnes Birth
T'Challa Birth
Peter Quill Birth
Matt Murdock Birth
Bobbi Morse Birth
Lincoln Campbell Birth
Gamora Birth
Nakia Birth
Natasha Romanoff Birth
Maria Hill Birth
Elena "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez Birth
Erik Stevens Birth
Leopold Fitz Birth
Jemma Simmons Birth
Aaron Davis Birth
Bruce & Betty Meet
Skye Johnson Birth
Jessica Jones Birth
Janet gets Stuck in Quantum
Pietro & Wanda Maximoff Birth
Amy Minoru Birth (Runaways)
Harley Keener Birth
Eugene "Flash" Thompson Birth
Monica Rambeau Birth
Matt Murdock goes to Saint Agnes Orphanage
Gert Yorkes Birth
Alex Wilder Birth
Chase Stein Birth
Nico Minoru Birth
Betty Brant Birth
Karolina Dean Birth
Michelle Jones Birth
Peter & Layla Parker Birth
Christina, Stevie, & Marinette Stark Birth
Ned Leeds Birth
Emma Rogers-Barnes Birth
Howard & Maria Stark Death
Assassination of N'Jobu
Tony Graduates MIT
Massacre of the Zehoberei
Molly Hernandez Birth
Hulk Created
Hulk Created
Period: to
Chase of Bruce Banner
Death of Mar-Vell & Carol Kidnapping
?Cassandra Lang Birth
Assassination of Gene and Alice Hernandez
Hope Mackenzie Birth
Hope Mackenzie "Death"
Maximoff "Parents" Death
Period: to
Kidnapping of Tony Stark
Bucky Shoots Natasha & Emma's 1st Mission
New Years Eve (IM3)
Jessica Jones Experimented On
Period: to
?Captain Marvel