Cavemen Paintings
Year: 30,000BC
Cavemen paintings were one of the first ways of communications. The paintings were drawn on walls in caves and since there was no language they used this to communicate. They used these paintings to show what they animal they were going to hunt.
http://www.creativedisplaysnow.com/articles/history-of-communication-from-cave-drawings-to-the-web.htm -
Cavemen Hand Signals
30,000 BC
Cavemen would use handsignals to direct eachother during a hunt so that they could attack the herd at the best time possible.
http://www.creativedisplaysnow.com/articles/history-of-communication-from-cave-drawings-to-the-web.htm -
Sumerian Develope the Alphabet
3500-2900 BC
Sumerians develope the first alphabet giving people a new way to communication. -
China Develpes the First Postal System
900 BC
China made this system of delivering mail to get messages accross to government officials. -
530 BC
The Greeks start the very first library, giving people all the information they could ever want to know available to them. -
First Pigeon Messages
776 BC
The first recorded use of sending messages by bird, was used in the Olympic Games in Athens. -
The first daily newpaper appear and are the first thing of its kind to give people new news everyday.
http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bl_history_of_communication.htm -
Joseph Henry invents the first electric telegraph to deliver messages to people anywhere.
http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bl_history_of_communication.htm -
Morse Code
Samuel Morse invents Morse code. -
Telegraph Line and Fax
Samuel Morse invents the first long distance electric telegraph line.
Alexander Bain patents the first fax machine. -
Alexander Bell patents the first telephone, connecting people by allowing them to talk to anyone in the world.
http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bl_history_of_communication.htm -
Radio Signals
Guglielmo Marconi transmits radio signals from Cornwall to Newfoundland -this was the first radio signal across the Atlantic Ocean.
http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bl_history_of_communication.htm -
First television broadcasts in England. What was the video of a man playing the violin turned into a revolution. The TV is one of the most common used devices in the world. With the television we can learn about other cultures and have breaking news all in the middle of your living room. -
First cellular phone communication network started in Japan.. Fist portable telephone usage.
http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bl_history_of_communication.htm -
World Wide Web
American government releases control of internet and WWW is born - making communication at lightspeed. -
The modern day smartphones are introduced to the world connecting people with hundreds of options, internet, games, apps, etc at the click of a button.
Android -
Facebook, a revolutionary social media site is launched as a social network for Harvard students.