forrest gump timeline

  • elvis Presley

    elvis Presley
    his music helped bring what was traditionally considered “black music” to the masses in the form of rock and roll.
  • Geogre Wallace

    Geogre Wallace
    he said segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever and let none of the black students in 34 sec in
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    inspired a generation to accept responsibility for its government, and its world, by taking political and social action and he fought to ensure equal rights and opportunities for all Americans.
  • "Charlie"

    Charlie was a nickname for the vietcongs
  • Anti-war Portests

    Anti-war Portests
    pressuring American leaders to reconsider its commitment. Peace movement leaders opposed the war on moral and economic grounds
    washington post
  • SDS

    wanted participatory democracy – a public committed to making the decisions that affect their own lives, with institutions to make this possible
  • space race

    space race
    is was to see who could get to the moon faster and they were the superior counrty
  • Ping-Pong Diplomacy

    Ping-Pong Diplomacy
    it alowed for nixon to better relations with china
  • Richard nixon

    Richard nixon
    he renew relations with china and got the us out of vietnam
  • watergate scandal

    watergate scandal
    the crime was a break in and it was leaked and it made nixon resignation
  • Gerald Ford

    Gerald Ford
    he pardened nixon for the watergate scandal
  • apple computers

    apple computers
    apple a personal computer company and then it made phones and it poped off
  • jimmy carter

    jimmy carter
    he failed the iran hostage situation
  • Ronald reagan

    Ronald reagan
    helped ended the cold war, had a economic policiy called reagonomics
  • AIDS

    acquired immune deficiency syndrome
    and aids is the late stage of HIV infection that occurs when the body's immune system is badly damaged because of the virus