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Forrest Gump Timeline
McCarran Internal Security Act
The act required known Communists to register, and it prohibited them from working for the government. The act was passed by Congress in spite of it being vetoed by President Truman. President Truman described the passing of the act as a long step toward totalitarianism. However in 1933, some sections of the act were ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. -
Army- McCarthy Hearings
They were hearings where Senator McCarthy was accusing communists coldiers of enlisting in the army to gain advantages on USA. The hearings were televised all around the country. The hearings exposed the Senator's extremism and led to his eventual disgrace. -
Hungarian Revolt
When the Hungarians tried to win their freedom from Communist Soviet Union. It was led by students and workers, who eventually forced the Soviet soldiers to retreat. The revolt promised free election, and renounced Hungary's military alliance with Moscow. However, the revolt was eventually stopped by tanks sent by the Soviet Union. -
March on Washington
Keep On- March On Washington
Event where over 200,000 African Americans gathered in Washington D.C. The march was a key moment in the struggle for civil right in the United States. Martin Luther King gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech which called for racial justice and equality. -
24th Amendment Ratified
The amendment outlawed poll taxes. Poll taxes were fees that voters had to pay in order to vote. The poll taxes were originally placed to discourage African Americans from voting. The ratification of the 24th Amendment encouraged African Americans to vote. -
Malcolm X Assassinated
Malcolm X was a human rights activist and American Muslim minister. He advocated for immediate rights for African Americans through the use of violence whenever necessary. He was shot by Nation of Islam members while he was giving a speech to his Organization of Afro-American Unity in New York City. -
Kent State Incident
After President Richard Nixon announced the need to draft more soldiers for the invasion of Cambodia, there were multiple protests on college campuses throughout the country.Students at Kent State University held a massive protest that even lead to setting a ROTC building on fire which caused the governor of Ohio to call National Guardsmen. The guardsmen opened fire on the crowd and lead to the death of four students and many more injured. -
The Ping Pong Diplomacy
Brief description Of Ping Pong diplomacy This was one of the first public hints of improved US- China relationships. This was basically the exchange of table tennis players between the US and China (PRC). The event paved the way to a visit to Bejing by President Nixon. -
The Watergate Scandal
The watergate scandal In the movie, Forrest Gump witnesses the watergate scandal from the Watergate Hotel. The scandal involved a political scandal during the 1970s which involved a break in of the democratic national committee headquarters. After investigation it was revealed that Nixon taped every conversation in the oval office. Nixon later resigned as president of the US. -
Nixon's Resignation
Richard Nixon's ResignationOn this day, Nixon adressed the American people with his resignation speech. This came anout as a result of the Watergate scandal which resulted in a deeper increase in national distrust for the president. After a clammoring from Eisenhower, he bowed to the pressure and resigned, becoming the first president in the history of the US to do so. -
End of the Vietnam War
End of Vietnam war South Vietnam finally surrendered to the North Vietnamese forces after the fall of Saigon which was the South Vietnamese capital. The Fall of Saigon was largely in part due to the fact that the US had decded to pull out their forces. After this, North Vietnam faced relatively ittle opposition as they entered South Vietnam. Saigon was later renamed Ho Chi Minh city. -
Attempted Assassination of Ronald Reagan
Attempted assassination On this day, a mere 70 days into his presidency, John Hickney Jr. shot at President Reagan. He ended up shooting but most of the bullets missed with only one of the bullets hitting Reagan in the chest after bouncing off the limo. This attempt threw the nation into a panic but after it was over, the American people had more sympathy and respect for Reagan.