Forrest gump ping pong gif 8


By Godly
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Forrest Moms house was being used as a hotel for folks coming to the town needing a place to stay. Elvis Presley plays his guitar and Forrest dances away. Forrest admires the guitar and believes the sound is beautiful. Also Hip-Dancing to his new modernist song (in the time).
  • Period: to

    Civil Rights Movement

    A period of time when African Americans fought for their rights. Lots of very known Civil Rights Activists were praised, obeyed, and respected. African Americans were desegregated and were given rights with amendments during this time. Forrest lived throughout this era and it also impacted his life.
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    Vietnam War

    Forrest Gump lived and even participated throughout the Vietnam War. His life revolved heavily on the war and its side impacts in his life. He even received the Medal Of Honor for saving soldiers during the war.
  • Elvis Presley Performs " Hound Dog "

    Elvis Presley Performs " Hound Dog "
    Elvis Presley and Forrest met during Forrest's childhood, because of Elvis; Forrest loves the guitar and the new modernist music of the 1950's. Rock and Roll.
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    Hippie Era

    Jenny, one of the main characters, was a hippie during the movie. Her life is a good example of how hippies lived during the 1960s.
  • Forrest Joins "All American Team'

    Forrest Joins "All American Team'
    Forrest becomes a college football superstar, playing for University Of Alabama. Awarded the award by John F. Kennedy. One of the best universities for football. He's very fast and that helps him start on the team. He is loved by fans, although sometimes he forgets to stop running. Also helping him land a college degree.
  • Desegregation of the University of Alabama

    Desegregation of the University of Alabama
    Forrest was in this historical event. When Alabama's governor, George Wallace, stood at the door, President Kennedy ordered national guards to help those students enter school. Although Brown v. Board of Education was made to desegregate schools. George Wallace wanted to stay segregated, but the University Of Alabama was integrated on June 11, 1963.
  • John F. Kennedy Assassinated

    John F. Kennedy Assassinated
    John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. While riding a presidential motorcade in Dealey Plaza. It was later found that he was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. Forrest met John F. Kennedy when he became an All American. Forrest tells Kennedy, " I gotta pee", when hes asked how he feels to be an All American.
  • Forrest Goes To Vietnam

    Forrest Goes To Vietnam
    On this day, Forrest Gump goes to Vietnam to fight for his country. Vietnam became a major part of his life. He made new friends and even met Bubba. Bubba was his best friend throughout their journey. Bubba's wish was to make a shrimping business. Sadly, Bubba dies in Vietnam. But, Forrest makes his promise and Bubba's dream come true when Forrest buys a boat and his business becomes highly successful.
  • Bonus Army

    Bonus Army
    Forrest accidentally gets stuck in a speech for veterans that need pay, aka Bonus Army. Not knowing, he gives a speech thinking that its about his experience in the Vietnam War. Then after his speech, he finds Jenny and they reunite after not seeing each other since he got her fired from her job.
  • Black Panther Party

    Black Panther Party
    Jenny shows Forrest to her friends, then a Black Panther tells him about their group, meanwhile her boyfriend shows up. He calls Forrest a baby killer then the Black Panther explains to Forrest what Black Panthers represent. Then Jenny's boyfriend hits her, Forrest watching this starts to punch the boyfriend. After all the chaos they get kicked out the party. Link Text
  • United States Wins Space Race

    United States Wins Space Race
    On July 20, 1969 NASA finally got their astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, to step on the moon. They were the first human beings to step on the moon. Helping the US win the Space Race against the Soviet Union. This is when Forrest was playing Ping Pong for the US Team, fighting Communism. Also making President JFK's dream come true, the US landing on the moon in the 60's.
  • Playing Ping Pong in China

    Playing Ping Pong in China
    Forrest becomes really good in Ping Pong, and the US Army tells him to play for the All American Ping Pong team. Forrest joins the team and fights communism by creating peace between both countries by playing Ping Pong. They became the first american to visit in China in, "a million years or something like that". Creating World Peace.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    Forrest meets Nixon because of his contribution on the Ping Pong team. Nixon tells Forrest that he will reserve him a better hotel because his hotel isn't nice enough for Forrest. Being in the Watergate, Forrest calls security because there were people looking for papers with flashlights, aka the Watergate Scandal. In the next scene the news on the TV saying that President Nixon has resigned from office.
  • President Nixon Resigns

    President Nixon Resigns
    On this day, President Richard Nixon resigns from office mainly because of the heavy drama in the Watergate Scandal. Becoming the second president in US history to resign from office. Forrest meets Nixon and even saw the Watergate Scandal. His successor, Gerald Ford, pardoned him so he wouldn't face legal issues.
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    This Hurricane, helps Forrest and Lieutenant Dan find all the shrimp in the world. This was a Category 4 Hurricane and the strongest one in 1974. Since the competition was cleared by the hurricane, Forrest and Lt.Dan start catching lots of shrimp, helping them become highly successful and rich. Which made Bubba Gump a multi million dollar company. Also helping Bubba's dream come true.
  • Bubba Gump Shrimp Co

    Bubba Gump Shrimp Co
    The promise to Bubba and his dreams became true. This company made by Forrest and led by Lt.Dan became highly successful because of Hurricane Carmen. This helped both Forrest and Lt.Dan become rich and important people. Later on, Lt.Dan invests in Apple and Forrest doesn't worry about money anymore. Then Forrest gives money to a church, a hospital, and to Bubba's family. Later on a real restaurant inspired by the movie, was made and it was also called, Bubba Gump Shrimp Co", becoming successful.
  • HIV/ Aids Comes To Light In The US

    HIV/ Aids Comes To Light In The US
    HIV/ Aids is discovered in the US in 1983. This mysterious cause of death killed lots of people and destroyed families around the US. An example of a family member dying is in the movie, "Forrest Gump". Jenny, the mother of Forrest Gump Jr., and the wife of Forrest Gump, died of HIV/ Aids. The outbreak of this disease was around the Hippie Era, which killed lives in the millions.