Forms of technology used in the research, planning and evaluation stages

  • New filming Equpiment

    New filming Equpiment
    This year I filmed with new cameras and tripods. Using the new cameras wasn't too dificult as they were similar to the cameras I used in year twelve. This new form of technology played a big role in the success of my groups music video. Due to the new cameras and tripods my group was able to create a high quality final video.
  • Blogger

    Blogger is one of the most important forms of new technology used in this project. Using a blog to record planning an research and the whole journey my group and I have gone through allowed me to write down and organise my thoughts in a systematic way. I found it easy to use blogger as it's got quite a straight forward layout and design. As time went by I got more used to Blogger and learnt about a variety of ways it can be used.
  • Final Cut Pro

    Final Cut Pro
    This year I also used a new editing software called Final Cut Pro. Using this new software proved a challenge at the start because it was completley new, prior to using it I only used iMovie. Compared to iMovie it was very different. After using the software a few times and looking at online tutorials I've come to grips with the software and found that it has more effects and better quality than iMovie. I've used it to edit all of the filmed projects in this unit like the final music video.
  • YouTube

    Having never used YouTube before I had to get used to uploading and sharing videos on the website. After using the website a few times I got used to using it. I used YouTube continously through this unit of work to share film projects I created on FinalCut Pro and iMovie as well as presentations I made on online websites like PowToon. YouTube is a good media platform that I can easily embed on my blog.
  • Prezi

    Prezi is an online presentation website that creates presentations with a creative flare. I had used Prezi before this project so I didn't find it to hard to use and come to hand with. What I like about using Prezi is the presentations I've made on this website look interesting and captivating when presenting to an audience, almost creating a visual story. Also within Prezi's you can insert images and links as well as videos and voice overs.
  • PowToon

    During the project I also came across another slideshow style presentation website called PowToon. PowToon focuses on creating animated styled presentations. I used PowToon to analyse my target audeince questionnaire results. What I liked about PowToon is that it allowed me to make unique powerpoints. However, what I didn't like about PowToon is that it crashed a few times when I was making my presentation and my work didn't save properly on one occassion. Overall, the website was unreliable.
  • GoAnimate

    I used the animation website GoAnimate to present the results of my groups target audience questionnaire. Allthough creating an animation on GoAnimate takes a little bit of extra time, it is well worth the wait to see the end results. The animations are very good quality and fun to watch. I decided to use GoAnimate because it was more creative and engaging than presenting my results as a long written blog post. Also it's more entertaining to watch an animation than read a blog post.
  • SlideShare

    The website SlideShare is also a new website I used in this project. I found it easy to use as it has three simple steps and an explanation is also on the website. SlideShare was a key media platform in this unit of work as it allowed me to easily embed word documents and powerpoints on to my blog, with a clean layout. For example SlideShare was used when I shared the draft treatment of the video.
  • Voice Recorders

    Voice Recorders
    This year I also got the chance to use new voice recording equipment. These were quite easy to use and allowed me to record voices and feedback by clicking one button. My group used the voice recorders in our focus group and got our target audience members to speak into them. This allowed us to pick up good sound quality to add to film clips.
  • Padlet

    I also used the website Padlet which allows you to do anything you want on an online 'blank wall'. My group used Padlet to allow our target audience to write down their feedback , in the form of sticky notes, related to our draft treatment. Padlet was easy to use as the website explains how to use it and it's simply laid out making it easy to use. This website allowed me to presented text in an eyecatching, unique creative form, hence making my blog more interesting.
  • Photoshop

    I used Photoshop software to edit pictures and create my groups digipak and magazine promitonal advert. Having used Photoshop in the past I was well experienced with how to use the software. Photoshop also allowed me to create annotated images when I was analysing digipak examples.
  • FlipSnack

    I also came across the website FlipSnack where you can create online flipbooks that can be seen in the form of a book or magazine. I found that using FlipsSnack was very straigthforward. Using this website allowed me to present images on my blog in a creative and eyecatching way. Being able to create a mini flipbook/magazine makes the images more engaging for readers of my blog. I created a flipbook to present examples of digipak promotional magazine adverts.
  • QuickTime

    I used Quicktime video software to record the computer screen, so people on my blog can see part of the editing process when creating my groups digipak. I found recording the editing process in this form was very simple and unique since it allows readers of my blog to see for themselves how I created one of my groups final projects. So, using QuickTime in this way made my blog have more creative flare.
  • Bubbl

    I used an online mindmapping website called Bubbl to present one of the evaluation questions. I found presenting text in the form of a mindmap makes it visually interesting to look at and easy to read. The website Bubbl is very simple to use and wasn't problematic at all, I would like to use it again in the future.
  • TimeToast

    I've used TimeToast an online time line website to answer one of the evaluation questions. What I like about TimeToast is that it allows you present various information in a systematic and interactive way. This website is very effective in making my blog engaging for readers and intersting to look at. Having never used TimeToast before I find it very easy to use and I would like to try using it again in future.