George Washington
1st President-nickanme is the father of his country. In 1791, the Bill of Rights first took affect (Passed by Congress September 25, 1789 & ratified December 15,1971) . -
John Adams
2nd president- nickname Atlas of Independence. In 1797, Three unkonwn French trouble makers brought France and the United States to the brick of war in what came known as the XYZ Affair. -
Thomas Jefferson
3rd President- nickname "Man of people; Sage of Monticello." In 1803, the court ruled Marbury V. Madison declared that any law passed by Congress can be ruled as unconstitutional by the courts. -
James Madison
4th president- nickname "Father of the Constitution". In 1812, war was declared on England after England continued to attack U.S. ships. -
James Monroe
5th president- nickname "The last crocked hat; the era of good feeling president." In 1820, the Missouri Compromise forbid slavery. -
John Quincy Adams
6th president-nickname "Old man Eloquent." In 1825, the Erie Canal was completed. -
Martin Van Buren
8th president-nickname "The little Magician": "The Red fox of Kinderhook". In 1837, the beginning of the Panic of 1837 occured due to banks closing in New York and Philadelphia. -
William Henry Harrison
9th president-nickame "Old Tippecanoe & Old Tip". In 1841, he delievered the longest inaugural adress (speech). The speech lasted 105 minutes. -
John Tyler
10th president- nickname "Accidental president & his accidency." In 1844, Far east opened traders to the United States after a treaty with China was signed. -
Andrew Jackson
7th president- nickname "Old Hickory." In 1830, Jackson authorized the Indian Removal Act