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Formation of the European Union

  • end of WW 2

    end of WW 2
    (creation of UN)
  • cold war

    cold war
    Political tensions between eastern and western Europe over ideology, economics and government. (the following descriptions were taken from "Europa.eu")
  • Formation of the ECSC

    Formation of the ECSC
    Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, sign a treaty to create a European institution that would pool and manage coal and steel production.
  • Treaty of Rome

    Treaty of Rome
    The 6 founding states sign the Treaties of Rome, creating the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), and the European Economic Community
  • Merger Treaty

    Merger Treaty
    unified the executive institutions of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) and the European Economic Community (EEC).
  • First EU enlargement

    First EU enlargement
    Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom join the European Communities, marking the first enlargement.
  • First European elections

    First European elections
    For the first time, European citizens can vote for who they want to represent them in the European Parliament.
  • Greece enters the EU

    Greece enters the EU
  • Schengen Agreement

    Schengen Agreement
    gradually allows people to travel without having their passports checked at the borders.
  • Spain and Portugal join the European Communities

    Spain and Portugal join the European Communities
  • Treaty of Maastricht

    Treaty of Maastricht
    It is a major milestone of the European integration.
  • Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU

    Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU
  • Treaty of Amsterdam

    Treaty of Amsterdam
    is signed in the capital of the Netherlands. It prepares the European Union for the arrival of future Member States.
  • The euro

    The euro
    Euro notes and coins become the legal currency in 12 EU countries.
  • Treaty of Nice

    Treaty of Nice
    The main purpose of the Treaty was to facilitate the major EU enlargement (10 new states) which was to follow.
  • Ten more countries join the EU

    Ten more countries join the EU
    The addition of Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia
  • Constitutional treaty

    Constitutional treaty
    Draft treaty establishing a constitution for Europe (not ratified).
  • Bulgaria and Romania join the EU

    Bulgaria and Romania join the EU
  • Economic crisis

    Economic crisis
    A major financial crisis hits the world economy, triggering a recession.
  • Croatia joins the EU

    Croatia joins the EU
  • UK leaves the EU

    UK leaves the EU