Forest Gump Timeline

By ChauJV2
  • The Start of The Korean War

    The Start of The Korean War
    From the Cold war, Korea was split into two different regions, North and South. The north was aided by communist countries and the South was aided by the U.S. in attempt to contain communism.
  • Twenty Second Amendment

    Twenty Second Amendment
    This amendment limited Presidents to run for election for two terms. This made made after Roosevelt was elected for president for four terms.
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Brown V. Board of Education
    This court case proved that separate and equal public facilities was not equal. This overturned the Plessy V. Ferguson case.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    In protest of bus segregation, Rosa Parks refused to move from the front seat and she got arrested. It was an important event from the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Many people fought for equality and that was the Civil Rights Movement. One of the leaders was Dr.King. The Civil Rights Act was one of the outcomes and it outlawed discrimination against religion, color, and race.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    This act was passed to prevent any discrimination in voting. It creates an equal opportunity for all people including minorities.
  • Start of Gay rights Movement

    Start of Gay rights Movement
    It started with a riot at Stonewall against a Police raid. It showed the strength the LGBT community had.
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Ping Pong Diplomacy
    It was the exchange of table tennis players between the U.S. and the Chinese. This friendly exchange helped strengthen the relationship between the two nations.
  • First Earth Day

    First Earth Day
    This day was inspired by the Conservation Movement. This movement fought for conservation of the environment.
  • Oil Crisis

    Oil Crisis
    During the Yom Kippur war, the U.S. aided the Israeli and the Arab nation responded to the by placing an Embargo on oil. The U.S. heavily relied on the oil so there was a shortage of gas and oil making prices spike.
  • Attempt Assassination of Reagan

    Attempt Assassination of Reagan
    On this day, John Hinkley was attempting to assassinate the president but failed. Reagan was wounded with a shot to the chest.
  • 9/11 Attacks

    9/11 Attacks
    Acts of terrorism were made by people who high jacked multiple air planes and crashed it into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. this was because of lack of security in the airports, so the government passed the PATRIOT act which rose questions to invasion of privacy.