
Forest Gump Timeline

  • Elvis

    Key Concept 8.3 II. A.
    Elvis Presley defined the rock genre. His music shaped the mood of the 50's, 60's, and 70's, and created a large aspect of American culture especially with the youth. He caused teens to be rebellious and not listen to their parents Today, rock is considered one of the most popular genres of music. Forrest Gump gave the signature dance moves to Elvis Presley's song "Hound dog" in the movie.
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    Key Concept 8.2 I. C.
    John F. Kennedy was the youngest president in History winning over the hearts of Americans with his poise and good looks. He was the lead president to start the end of segregation. In Forest Gump, Forest and the rest of his All American team met with John F. Kennedy.
  • University Of Alabama Desgregated []

    University Of Alabama Desgregated []
    Key Concept 8.2 I. B. Governor George Wallace told his white supporters that he wanted to keep segregation by saying “Segregation now! Segregation tomorrow! Segregation forever!” So he tried to keep the university of Alabama segregated. But, because of Brown V. Board of Education, President Kennedy forced the desegregation of the University. In Forest Gump, Forrest was there when George Wallace tried to stop a black couple from entering the University of Alabama.
  • John F. Kennedy Assassinated

    John F. Kennedy Assassinated
    John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, while riding in a presidential motorcade in Dealey Plaza. In Forrest Gump, Forrest later talked about JFK's assassination.
  • The Black Panthers []

    The Black Panthers []
    Key Concept 8.2 III. D. The Black Panther Party formed by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale was founded in October 1966. The goal of the Black Panther party wanted to promote self defense for minority groups. The Black Panthers fought for equality regardless of race in social and economic settings. They were against the draft. In Forrest Gump, Jenny brought Forrest to a Black Panther party event and Forrest witnessed Jenny getting hit by her boyfriend which made Forrest beat him up.
  • The Hippie Movement

    The Hippie Movement
    Key Concept 8.3 II. B.
    During the mid 1960's the hippie culture started to come about in the youth. Their main beliefs were against the Vietnam war. The Hippie's created their own social groups, listened to psychedelic rock, explored drugs to enter other states of consciousness. In Forrest Gump Jenny was a apart of the Hippie Movement and Forrest gave a speech during a Hippie Gathering.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Key Concept 8.1 I. D.
    In 1967 Forrest joins the Vietnam War which was on of the major and controversial wars of the 20th century. This was war against communist north Vietnam against south Vietnam allied with the French. There was also a military draft that took place that took people away from their families. This was a bloody battle broadcasted on T.V. which caused the citizens to start protesting against the war.
  • First Moon Landing

    First Moon Landing
    Key Concept 8.1 I. B.
    On July 16th,1969, the Apollo 11 mission launched carrying Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. This is where the famous quote "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." came from by Neil Armstrong as he climbed down the ladder on the ship. The 3 were the first ever to walk on the moon and collected samples of moon rock. In Forrest Gump, the Moon Landing was shown on T.V.
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Ping Pong Diplomacy
    Key Concept 8.1 I. C.
    Ping Pong Diplomacy was a diplomatic effort to reduce Cold War tensions between the U.S. and China. The U.S. Ping Pong team was the the first American group to visit China after Communist Mao Zedong rose to power. After the Ping Pong tour, Mao Zedong agreed to meet with President Nixon. This eventually led to diplomatic relations with China. In Forrest Gump, Forrest was on the U.S. Ping POng team to visit China.
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    Hurricane Carmen was one of the most devastating tropical storms of the 20th Century. It lasted almost 2 weeks and caused 8 casualties. It caused 162 million dollars of damage back then so even more today. In Forrest Gump, Forrest and Lt. Dan took on the storm full force on their ship the Jenny and made fortunes selling shrimp because there was no competition to take the shrimp from them.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    It took place in the Watergate Hotel where burglars broke into the Democratic Party's National committee offices. President Nixon was accused and tried to cover it up. The Senate Committee later investigated the burglary and found white house tapes that were tampered with. This led to Nixon resigning before getting impeached. In Forrest Gump, President Nixon gave Forrest a hotel room at the Watergate Hotel.
  • HIV/AIDS Outbreak

    HIV/AIDS Outbreak
    This outbreak began to rise in June of 1981. This number of people infected with HIV/AIDS rose rapidly after the Hippie Movement since they were all about peace, sex, love, and drugs. While the Hippies used drugs, they were doing it very carelessly, sharing needles which led to the transfer of the virus to one person to the next. This spread also with unprotected sex, spreading the virus through intercourse. In Forrest Gump, Jenny died because of the HIV virus.