Forest Gump Timeline

  • Forest named after Klu Klux Klan

    A post-Civil War American secret society advocating white supremacy. Named after founder of the Klu Klux Klan, Nathan Bedford Forrest
  • Elvis Presley

    Was a big music hit in the late 50s. Forest meets elvis and teaches dance moves.
  • Forest plays for all american football team

    Jfk meets all american football team. Jfk was in presidency for three years before he was assasinated.
  • Jfk assasination

    John F Kennedy was assasinated
  • Desegregation at UOA

    university of alabama had black students attending. Where forest was attending
  • Black Panther Party

    The black panther party was a organization to partole african american neighborhoods and police brutality. Forest crashes the Black Panther Party
  • Ping pong deplomacy

    Forest Gump goes to china and plays ping pong to create a friendship
  • Bubba Gump Shrimp

    Forest Gump makes a shrimping buissness in thought of his freind bubba that passed away in the war. bubba gump shrimp was very successful
  • Apple

    Forest Gump invests in apple computers
  • Aids

    Outbreak of Aids/Hiv. HIV causes AIDS and interferes with the body's ability to fight infections. Jenney was diagnosed with aids at the end of the movie.
  • vietnam war

    vietnam war happened in 1996. Was the first war to draft people women where not drafted.
  • moon landing

    moon landing was on TV while forest was playing ping pong.The first human-made object to reach the surface of the Moon was the Soviet Union's Luna 2 mission