Period: to
movei timeline / forests birth
movie span -
forest meets elvis
as a guest of the gump house elvis presley meets a young forest gump with leg braces. with elvis playing guitar forest starts dancing. elvis is intreged with his dancing althow he is handycaped -
forest sees elvis on tv
forrest walking with his mother stubmles across elvis on tv preforming hound dog while doing the dance that he recently had shown elvis while a guest at the gump household -
gump meets JFK
as a collage football star forest gump gets to meet president kennedy to be part af the all american football team -
forrest graduates collage
after graduating forrest is perswaded to join the army and was soon after was sent to vietnam -
lincion memorial
after being wounded in vietnam forest visits an antiwar rally in d.c where he meets abbie hofman and the black panthers.also reuniting with jenny and introdicing him to the counter culture -
forrest meets president Lyndon B Johnson
forrest gets awarded the medal of honar for saving the lives for his men in vietnam -
people republic of china
forrest travels to china with the u.s army ping pong winning 25 -
dick cavet show
forrest meets john lennon. he is on the show for all of his previous accomplishments -
forrest meets president nixion
after going to china forest meets the president for the third time -
forrest visits the watergate hotel
after meeting the president for the third time. president nixion invites forest to stay at the watergate hotel he witnissed the watergate scandle -
bubba gump shrimp company
using his money from his ping pong forrest starts his fishing career -
forest leavs the shrimp co
forest leaves the shrimpin buisness to take care of his dying mother leaving LT dan with advice to invest in the fruite company -
Period: to
cross-country tour
forrrest starts running for no reason form his home in alabama. he runs across america many times -
forest gets a letter
jenny has been diganosed with an incureable disease inviting him to visit she introduces he as a son also named forrest -
jenny dies
jenny dies of HIV/AIDS leaving forrest to raise their son