In 1595 A Dutch lense maker Zacharias Janssn built the Microscope. -
In the 1800's people learnt the importants of Fingerprints. -
In 1879 a French police man named Alphonse Bertillon reolised photography could help solve crimes. He started to photograph crimminals from the front and side, these are called Mug-Shots. -
Fransis Gallaton's Book
In 1892 a Brittish scientist named Fransis Gallaton wrote a book on Fingerprints. He also decided that Fingerprints can be placed into groups: Loops, Whorls and Arches. -
An Austrian docter named Carl Landstiner learned that not everyone has the same Bloodtype. There are 4 blood types: A, B, AB and O -
The first Forensic labrotory
In 1910 a French man called Edmond Lochard created the first forensic labrotory in Lyon, France. He also develpoed a new theroy. Locard said 'every criminal leaves something behind at the crime scene. -
In 1984 a British scientist called Alec Jeffreys discoverd somthing that was important for the future of forensic sceince. Our bodies are made up of tiny parts called cells.