First Major Attack
Series of airlone hijacking and suicide attacks commited by 19 militants associated with Islamic extremists group Al-Queda against targets in the united states, the deadlist terriorist attacls on AMerican soil as stated in the article "Sepetember 11 attacks" (Peter L. Bergen).
this is when ISIS became a huge problem and threat to our country. -
Destroying Monuments
ISIS destroys hostoric monuments in Palmyra, Militants from extreme group destryoed the shrines because they consider them to be sarcrilegious.
this group intends to keep blowing things up and hurting people for pretty much no reason. -
Suicide Bombings
Yemens ISIS affilliate calimed responsibility for two bombings at a mosque that killed at least 20 people. it was a suicicde bombing and a subsequent car bombing.
they are willing to die for this extremest group and willing to do anything. -
2nd deadlist ISIS Attack
A series of coordinated terriorists attacks occured in Paris, France. Shootings and bomb blasts left 130 people dead and hundreds wounded, with more than 100 in crucial condition.
Believed to be an act of war and is the 2nd deadlist attack from ISIS. -
17 hour Assault
Hundreds of ISIS fighters launch 17 hour assault on Kurds in Iraq.
between 18-120 ISIS fighters took part in each assault using vehicles with machine guns, truck bombs, and suicide bombs.