Foreign policy timeline

  • NSC-68

    NSC-68 was a 58 page top secret policy paper which outlined aggressive American strategy to contain communism which was presented by President Harry Truman which led to the budget being tripled and led to the development of a hydrogen bomb and incresed military aid of allies
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    Began with North Korea invading south Korea which led to the UN order the defense South Korea against North Korea which made the Soviets boycott but the UN did not Veto it.effects of the war led to an uneasy truce for the next 50 years.
  • ANZUS Treaty

    ANZUS Treaty
    The ANZUS Treaty was collective security agreement that binds Australia, New Zealand and separately Australia and the U.S together to cooperate on military matters in the Pacific Ocean region.This treaty was signed to protect the security of the Pacific
    and if One of these three went to War the other two would have to get involved.
  • Dwight Eisenhowers promise to end the war

    Dwight Eisenhowers promise to end the war
    The Gop presidential candidate makes a promise saying that he will go to Korea and end the war
  • Eisenhower threatens China with Nukes

    Eisenhower threatens China with Nukes
    Dwight Eisenhower threatens China with nuclear force if the armistice was not signed.After it was signed it leads to an uneasy truce for the next 50 years
  • Baghdad Pact

    Baghdad Pact
    The Central Treaty Organization was formed to promise Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Pakistan Economic and Military Aid and was intiated by U.S Members although they could not participate
  • Baghdad Pact

    The Central Treaty Organization was formed by The U.S and promised Iran, Turkey, Iraq, and Pakistan all military and economic aid
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    August 2nd,1955 marked the official start of the space race when the Soviet Union responded the US Announcement four days earlier to launch artificial satellites for the International Geophysical Year.The effect of this was that the US was the first to land a man on the moon but the USSR was the first to a human into space which was Yuri Gagarin.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    Eisenhower Doctrine
    was a policy that was enacted by Dwight Eisenhower "within a message to the congress on the situation in the Middle East" under this doctrine a middle eastern country can request American economic or aid from U.S military forces
  • Bay of pigs invasion

    Bay of pigs invasion
    The bay of pigs invasion was a failed mission to push Fidel Castro from power which failed when the American-trained Cubans arrived on the beach outnumbered and outgunned and surrendered after less than 24 hours of fighting
  • Berlin Crisis

    Berlin Crisis
    The Berlin Crisis was the Last Politico-Military European Confrontation of the Cold War about France, Great Britain, and the United States Occupying Western Berlin. The Soviet Union provoked the Crisis by Coming up with an Ultimatum saying that they wanted France, Great Britain, and The United states to withdraw from Berlin within 6 months to make it a free demilitarized city. The effects that France, Great Britain, and The US stayed in Western Berlin stayed.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    This event was a 13-day confrontation with the soviet union and the United states about Ballistic Missile deployment in Turkey and Italy and Soviet Ballistic Missile deployment in Cuba. In response to the Bay of pigs invasion, the Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev decided to place Nuclear Missiles In Cuba to prevent future invasions.
  • Partial Test Ban Treaty

    Partial Test Ban Treaty
    The Partial test ban treaty was passed in 1963 and signed by Great Britain, The United States, and the Soviet Union which states that nuclear testing was prohibited in the atmosphere, space and underwater, but nuclear testing underground was allowed.
  • Tonkin Gulf Resolution

    Tonkin Gulf Resolution
    the gulf of Tonkin resolution gave President Johnson the power to act and he gained full power of the military in Korea and was later repealed in 1970
  • Vietnamization

    Vietnamization was accidently brought up on January 28th, 1969 at a National security Council meeting which was said by Melvin Laird who was Secretary of Defense at the Time he brought it up and Nixon liked the word and made that his official policy of his administration. and the meeting consisted of Andrew Goodpaster, Creighton Abrams, Melvin Laird and Richard Nixon.
  • Nixon Visits China

    Nixon Visits China
    On February 21st, 1972 President Nixon Visited China to have a better relationship with the PRC(Peoples Republic of China)and met up with Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai and Nixon brought William Rogers and Henry Kissinger