U.S. Submarine sinks Japanese fishing boat
A Japanese boat and an American submarine running just below the surface collided in the East China Sea. The ship sank.Thirteen of the crew members were rescued from rafts early today by Japanese destroyers, but the captain and his first officer were reported missing and presumed dead. Japanese officials expressed anger, saying the Navy had waited 36 hours before telling the Japanese Government of the accident. Outraged at the event they demanded answer and punishment for this event. -
Hainan Island incident
A United States Navy spy plane near the Chinese coast collided on Sunday with a Chinese fighter jet. The American plane made an emergency landing in China, and the United States said it was seeking the immediate return of the 24 crew members, and of the sophisticated aircraft and all its intelligence equipment.The crash occurred 50 miles off China's Hainan Island. China was completely outraged with this event and said this was Americans fault 100% and were hesitant in returning the men. -
War on Terror Declared
After the terrorist events that occurred on 9/11 taking about 3,000 lives, President Bush delivered an inspirational speech to America that rallied support for the “War on Terror”. After Bush's speech, our nation decided that we need to take the fight to them. This terrorist strike was one of the most horrific events to every occur on American soil and the new policy of taking the fight to them was our way of stopping it from ever happening again -
Afghanistan War
conflict in Afghanistan beginning in 2001 that was triggered by the September 11 attacks and consisted of three phases. The first phase toppling the Taliban who also gave sanctuary for Al-Qaeda. The second phase was a strategy of defeating the Taliban militarily and rebuilding core institutions of the Afghan state. Phase 3 was to temporarily increase the U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan. All of this was to decrease the terriost group in Afghanastan and to help the people of the country -
Guantanamo Bay Captives
In response to the 9/11 attacks in 2001 and military operations in Afghanistan the facility, Guantanamo Bay was repurposed to hold detainees during the war on terror. The United States claimed that Guantanamo Bay detainees were not on US soil and therefore did not have same rights meaning they could be denied legal protections. There are 41 detainees at Guantánamo Bay as of January 2017. The US Defense Department spent about $445 million on Guantanamo Bay -
Invasion of Iraq
This event lasted from March 20th till May 1st, 2003 this occurred following the events of 9/11. Also called operation enduring freedom this was our attempt at stopping the terrorist before it was too late once again. It was to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from any danger like 9/11. Americans were also told that they held weapons of mass destruction and that they needed to be destroyed much support came from this idea. -
Saddam Hussein's capture
December 13, 2003, U.S. soldiers found Saddam Hussein hiding in a six-to-eight-foot deep hole, nine miles outside his hometown of Tikrit. After spending nine months on the run, former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is captured in 2003.Saddam was put in Iraqi custody with U.S. security On November 5 of the next year, he was found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging. This event gave a major breakthrough in the invasion of Iraq as well as the war on terror. -
Iraq Mob kills 4 Americans
The killing of four American civilians working in Iraq, whose charred and mutilated bodies were dragged through the streets in front of a cheering crowd. Actions that the White House later described as despicable, a corpse was carted through town as people slashed it beat it and jabbed at it with poles. A burning body was doused with gasoline. Two charred bodies were hung from a bridge over the Euphrates River. This event led to controversy on weather we should stay in Iraq or leave. -
United States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act
President Bush Signed The United States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act. This Act will strengthen the partnership between the world's two largest democracies and help our countries meet the energy and security challenges of the Future. This Act was An Important Step That Will Help Allow Us To Share Civilian Nuclear Technology. This act will Help Strengthen Cooperation Between India And The United States and help both countries with energy and economic growth. -
New Start Treaty with Russia
The Treaty between the United States of America and the Russia on Hope for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms also known as the New START Treaty or (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty).This treaty was proposed and formed in hope to relieve tension and danger between us and Russia. Limiting the amount of nuclear weapons and other powerful weapons relieves a great amount of threat and tension which was greatly needed between the two of us. -
Killing Bin Laden
the founder and head of the Islamist group Al-Qaeda was killed in Pakistan on May 2, 2011, By United States Navy SEALs of the U.S. Naval Special Warfare Development Group. The operation named Operation Neptune Spear was a key event because it was major blow to the terroist group Al-Qaeda, it also was the ending of the man who planned 9/11. Lastly it showed that we were making ground in foriegn countries fighting the war on terror. -
Troop withdrawl
The withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Iraq began in December 2007 with the end of the Iraq War and was completed by December 2011, bringing an end to the Iraq War. The number of U.S. military forces in Iraq peaked at 170,300 in November 2007 The withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Iraq was a contentious issue in the United States. As the war progressed from its initial invasion phase in 2003 American public opinion shifted towards favoring a troop withdrawal in May 2007. -
Cuba And United States relationship breakthrough
Cuba and the United States restored diplomatic relations on 20 July 2015, which had been severed in 1961 during the Cold War. U.S. diplomatic representation in Cuba is handled by the United States Embassy in Havana. The US Cuba relationship has been plagued by distrust and antagonism since 1959, the year Fidel Castro overthrew a U.S.-backed regime in Havana and established a socialist state allied with the Soviet Union. So this marked a key event in establishing trust and a hope for an alliance. -
Drone attacks on Pakistan
drones struck a vehicle and a suspected militant compound in Mandi Khel, killing 9 people who are believed to be militants according to anonymous Pakistani intelligence officials. In the second strike, drones killed 5 alleged Taliban insurgents.These strikes began during the administration of United States President George W. Bush and increased substantially under his successor Barack Obama.[14] Some in the media have referred to the attacks as a "drone war". -
Trump's Travel Ban
This foreign policy made it illegal for 6 Muslim-majority countries to fly into the U.S. The new ban would have barred people from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen from entering the US for 90 days and all refugees for 120 days. Trump's ban was declared unconstitutional because it was based on racist/religious ideas on banning only Muslims from our country. Trump is coming out with a new watered down travel ban that congress said will most likely support.