Foreign Policy and World War I

  • Mexican Revolution takes place

    Revolution in Mexico, which led to nearly a decade of bloodshed and civil war. Wilson tried to use ‘moral diplomacy’ but did not succeed.
  • The development of the Allies and the Central powers

    The development of the Allies and the Central powers
    Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Empire formed the Central powers, whereas France, Great Britain, and Russia as the Allies, Italy and America joined later on
  • The Sinking of The Lusitania

    The Sinking of The Lusitania
    German submarine attacked the British luxury liner Lusitania. The boat carried ammunition for British weapons. The U-boats torpedoes killed 1,198 people, including 128 Americans
  • The Zimmerman Telegram is Intercepted

    The Zimmerman Telegram is Intercepted
    Telegram in which Germany offered Mexico an alliance in the events that the US entered WW1. The telegrams’s publication in American newspapers helped build public support for the war.
  • The Russian Revolution and Communism

    The Russian Revolution and Communism
    Also known as the Bolshevik revolution, named for the working class radicals called Bolsheviks, the revolution was run by Vladimir Lenin against the Tsarist government of Nicholas II. After the revolution, the Bolsheviks created the Soviet Union, a communist state.
  • The United States joins the War

    After the Russian Revolution, and Russia leaving the War, the Allies were in need of help. Since the US was already funding the Allies, they joined the war to insure that their money wasn't going to waste.
  • The Selective Service Act is passed

    The Selective Service Act is passed
    The Act authorized for a nationwide draft. The draft was very controversial and was protested by many.
  • The development of the Food, Fuel, and Railroad Administrations

    WWI era government agency tasked with coordination train schedules, regulating ticket prices, upgrading tracks, and raising workers’ wages.
    Government agency created during WWI to manage the production and distribution of fuel such as coal and oil.
    New government agency created during WWI to regulate food production and consumption.
  • Espionage and Sedition Acts

    Espionage Act) Act that prohibited anti war activities, including opposing the military draft. It punished speech critical of the war as as deliberate actions of sabotage and spying Sedition Act) Added to Espionage Act. Punished individuals for expressing opinions deemed hostile to the US government, flag, or military
  • The Treaty of Versailles is Signed

    It ended WWI. Wilson provided his 14 points, involving a lasting world peace, open diplomacy, and the League of Nations. Only the League of Nations was added to the Treaty.