Foreign Policy

  • The Judiciary Act of 1789

    Which stated that our Supreme court has 6 justices who serve until retirement or death. They had the power to say yes or no to foreign aid and disputes of foreign policies.
  • The Native American Policy of 1789.

    Washington wanted to provide a safe haven for Native Americans and protect their land. It made it hard for foreign treaties to be made.
  • The Bill of Rights

  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    when congress had put a tax on alcohol products to help with war debt and the farmers that made the alcohol didn’t like the idea of tax on their products. This eventually increased foreign trade which also increased trading problems between the United States and foreign countries.
  • The Monroe Doctrine

    announced by President James Monroe on December 2, 1823, is a key part of U.S. history. It came about when many Latin American countries were gaining independence, and there was concern about European powers trying to recolonize them.
  • The Opium Wars

    These wars marked the beginning of the "Century of Humiliation" for China, leading to significant foreign control over Chinese trade and territory, and contributing to internal strife and eventual political upheaval.
  • The Berlin Conference

    It established guidelines for the annexation of African territory, aiming to prevent conflict among European nations over African land.
  • The Spanish-American War

    The U.S. acquired Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines, marking a significant expansion of American imperialism.
  • The Roosevelt Corollary

    significantly expanded upon the Monroe Doctrine's principles and marked a pivotal shift in U.S. foreign policy.
  • WW1

    was a global conflict primarily involving European nations. It began with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and escalated due to a network of alliances. The war was marked by trench warfare and massive casualties, ending with the Treaty of Versailles in 1919.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Started the chain reaction leading to war.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Highlighted the brutality of trench warfare.
  • U.S. Entry into the War

    Provided crucial support to the Allies.
  • Truman Doctrine

    U.S. policy to provide political, military, and economic assistance to countries resisting communism.
  • Period: to

    The Cold War

    was a period of political and military tension between the United States and its allies (the Western Bloc) and the Soviet Union and its allies (the Eastern Bloc). It was characterized by ideological conflict between capitalism and communism, nuclear arms races, and various proxy wars.
  • Cuban missile crisis

    A 13-day confrontation over Soviet missiles in Cuba that brought the world close to nuclear war.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Symbolized the end of Cold War divisions and led to the reunification of Germany.