Clinton Opens Free Trade in China
Bill Clinton signed the China trade bill into law which allows normal trade relations between China and the US.The law guarantees Chinese goods the same low-tariff access to the U.S. market as products from nearly every other nation. -
This is a date every American knows well due to the horrible events that occurred on this day. The terrorist organization Al- Qaeda had planned an attack on the twin towers in new york city. They hi jacked planes from various locations and had 3 destinations: the towers and the pentagon were hit. There was a 4th plane that was taken over and crash landed. The affected the country in ways too numerous to list. -
Bush Doctrine
The Doctrine was George W. Bush's policies on terrorism and justifying war in other countries during this time period. The policy was to stop terrorist groups now like the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, before other major wars happen because of these terrorist groups terrorising the world. This is how we justified going into Iraq and starting the war in Afghanistan and this was one of our policies during the decade. -
US India Civil Nuclear Agreement
The Agreement was for India to place all of its Nukes under a safeguard company and the United States worked to get a full nuclear agreement with India. This means that India and America will not ever have any nuclear conflict with India at any point. They have never really been enemies but this guarantees safety for both countries. -
A New Beginning Speech
A New Beginning was the name of Barack Obama's speech regarding Foreign Policies in America. The speech was basically about how to deal with the Muslim world. Barack Obama picked Egypt as the country to hold the speech in because Egypt is the "heart of the Muslim world" and Egypt was huge in Arab and Middle Eastern affairs. -
To replace the START 1 treaty, The New START was signed between America and Russia. This treaty was to replace the START 1 treaty that expired. What this treaty does is limit America and Russia’s production of weapons and bombs. This showed that America and Russia are still trying to keep up peace. -
Operation Neptune Spear
Osama Bin-Laden died by US Navy seal team in his Pakistan home. America finally killed him after more than a decade of trying to. This stunned Al-Qaeda but they still loathe anything related to America. This is important because killing terrorist leaders make the terrorist groups weaker and prevents wars. This was key in ending the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. -
United Nations
The U.N is an organization of countries founded in 1945 after World War II. The organization's objectives include promoting peace and security, protecting human rights and the environment and providing helpful aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict. The fact that the US is the main contributor for finacing the U.N. is not good for our Country's economic status. -
NSA Surveillance Cameras
We are using NSA surveillance to monitor our closest allies to keep track of terrorism. Using this has made our relationships with the US allies wear thin. Using the surveillance in emails and phone calls has prevented many terrorist actions from occurring worldwide. -
Foreign Aid
Currently, the United States gives $31.55B, or .19% of GDP, development assistance to other countries. Many people think that we are spending too much money on other allies rather than focusing on ourselves. They say that we should only start to help more when we have help to give. Not when we are trillions of dollars in debt. -
Syrian Refugees
Syrian refugees 11 million are on the run currently, President Obama recently declared that the U.S. will accept 10,000 refugees from Syria. The U.S. has been under pressure from its Syrian allies to help out with the crisis. Those in favor of accepting refugees believe that the U.S. must accept at least 10,000 refugees. Opponents argue that the U.S. should stay out of this crisis and be accepting refugees from the Middle East leads to a risk of letting terrorists into our borders. -
Obama Lifts Embargo on Cuba
Obama lifted restrictions on rum and cigars. Also in 2009 Obama lifted all travel restrictions to see relatives and to also send remittance. It does not matter how much cigars or rum you bring back as long as it is for personal use only. Even though we have opposing views of government the US plans to strengthen overall relations with Cuba.