
Foreign Policy 1900-1925 Imperialism/WWI Timeline

  • The Sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor- in this event the U.S., and Spain were involved. Outcome: led to the outbreak of the Spanish-American War

    The Sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor- in this event the U.S., and Spain were involved. Outcome: led to the outbreak of the Spanish-American War
    Around 260 American lives were lost in the explosion.The Sinking of the USS Maine was said to have been very random. But, the blame for the explosion was put on Spain. With that being said, the U.S. declared war based on the attack and started the Spanish-American War.
  • The Teller Amendment- in this event the U.S., and Cuba were involved. Outcome: the U.S. occupied Cuba until 1902

    The Teller Amendment- in this event the U.S., and Cuba were involved. Outcome: the U.S. occupied Cuba until 1902
    The Teller Amendment was proposed by Henry M. Teller. The Amendment was a U.S. declaration of war against Spain which proclaimed that the United States would not establish permanent control over Cuba. The Senate passed the Amendment on April 19th.
  • US Declares War on Spain (Spanish American War)- in this event the U.S.,and Spain were involved. Outcome: The Spanish-American war began and later ended with an American victory.

    US Declares War on Spain (Spanish American War)- in this event the U.S.,and Spain were involved. Outcome: The Spanish-American war began and later ended with an American victory.
    The U.S. declared war on Spain following the sinking of the Battleship Maine in Havana harbor on February 15, 1898. However, this action was thought to have been done by Spain. Cuban patriots also demanded independence from Spanish rule which also prompted the U.S. to declare war on Spain. The War was fought in over four countries and in the Carribbean Sea.
  • The Opening of Guantanamo Bay- in this event the U.S. and the Cuba. Outcome: Guantanamo Bay was used as a naval base for the U.S. in the Spanish-American War and is now being used to hold terrorists.

    The Opening of Guantanamo Bay- in this event the U.S. and the Cuba. Outcome: Guantanamo Bay was used as a naval base for the U.S. in the Spanish-American War and is now being used to hold terrorists.
    Guantanamo Bay was originally opened in 1898 as a naval base for the U.S. in the Spanish-American War. Now after the war it is now used as a maximum security prison for terrorists. Guantanamo Bay is now referred to as "Gitmo" and is located in southeastern Cuba.
  • The Acquisition of Hawaii- in this event the U.S., and Hawaii were involved. Outcome: the U.S. uses Hawaii as an influential naval base in the Spanish-American war and soon became the 50th state in 1959

    The Acquisition of Hawaii- in this event the U.S., and Hawaii were involved. Outcome: the U.S. uses Hawaii as an influential naval base in the Spanish-American war and soon became the 50th state in 1959
    America had an interest in Hawaii possibly as early as the 1820s.In 1890 the U.S. increased the tariffs on foreign sugar which made all of the sugar growers want to be a part of the U.S. so the tariffs would go away.But, their Queen at the time was against it so the had an uprising to overthrow her to possibly become a part of the U.S. Shortly after the uprising President William McKinley signed a joint resolution annexing the islands because they were very useful to the Spanish-American War.
  • The Treaty of Paris of 1898- in this event the U.S., and Spain.Outcome: ended the Spanish-American War, and Puerto Rico and Guam were ceded to the United States, the Philippines were bought for $20 million, and Cuba became a U.S. protectorate

    The Treaty of Paris of 1898- in this event the U.S., and Spain.Outcome: ended the Spanish-American War, and Puerto Rico and Guam were ceded to the United States, the Philippines were bought for $20 million, and Cuba became a U.S. protectorate
    The Treaty of Paris of 1898 was a treaty that ended the Spanish-American War. The treaty was negotiated by the American peace commission and the Spanish peace commission. The treaty was signed in Paris, France. The most decisive battle of the war was the first when the U.S. Asiatic Squadron lead by Commodore George Dewey demolished the Spanish Pacific fleet at Manila Bay which basically determined the winner of the war and the making of the treaty.
  • The Hay Pauncefote Treaty- in this event the U.S. and Great Britain. Outcome: the treaty ended up not working out so it got revised and resigned by both countries, except McKinley did not sign it,Theodore Roosevelt did because McKinley was assassinated.

    The Hay Pauncefote Treaty- in this event the U.S. and Great Britain. Outcome: the treaty ended up not working out so it got revised and resigned by both countries, except McKinley did not sign it,Theodore Roosevelt did because McKinley was assassinated.
    The Hay Pauncefote Treaty was a treaty the McKinley administration and Lord Julian Pauncefote, the British ambassador to Washington. The treaty provided for American and British protection for any Panama related canal, but allowed for the United States to make and run the canal on its own. The US Senate weren't happy with the treaty however so they amended it. But, Britain was not ok with that so discussion conitinued.
  • The Start of Big Stick Diplomacy- in this event the U.S., Panama, Japan, Latin America and the Caribbean were involved. Outcome: the U.S. acquired land in Panama to make the Panama Canal. It also helped in Japan with the Root-Takahira Treaty.

    The Start of Big Stick Diplomacy- in this event the U.S., Panama, Japan, Latin America and the Caribbean were involved. Outcome: the U.S. acquired land in Panama to make the Panama Canal. It also helped  in Japan with the Root-Takahira Treaty.
    Big Stick Diplomacy was an idea to "speak softly" or try to make peace. Also to "carry a big stick" while also showing the power of your military at the same time. Big Stick Diplomacy was first thought of by Theodore Roosevelt. He first used the phrase when he was before Congress trying to convince them to increase naval preparation to support other nations.
  • The Drago Doctrine- this event involved Argentina, the U.S., and European Powers. Outcome: it rejected the use of military to collect debts from other nations, but, the Doctrine was also not readily accepted as a principle of international law.

    The Drago Doctrine- this event involved Argentina, the U.S., and European Powers. Outcome: it rejected the use of military to collect debts from other nations, but, the Doctrine was also not readily accepted as a principle of international law.
    The Drago Doctrine was a Doctrine that stated that any nation should not use military force to collect debts from another nation. The Doctrine was proposed by Luis María Drago, Argentina's minister of foreign affairs. The Doctrine was in response to the naval blockade imposed on Venezuela by Germany, Great Britain, and Italy. The purpose of the blockade was to collect debts incurred by the Venezuelan government, which now with the Doctrine would not be allowed.
  • The Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty- this event involved the U.S. and Panama. Outcome: the Panama Canal was built and Panama ended up declaring its independence from Columbia

    The Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty- this event involved the U.S. and Panama. Outcome: the Panama Canal was built and Panama ended up declaring its independence from Columbia
    The Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty was a treaty that was signed by the U.S. and Panama. The treaty basically represented the sale of the land the U.S. wanted in Panama to make a Canal to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The agreement also guaranteed independence for Panama from Columbia. The U.S. had offered the same deal to Columbia but they turned it down because they thought the compensation for the land was not enough.
  • The Building of the Panama Canal- this event involved Panama and the U.S. Outcome:the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans were connected making it easier for trade and military so they didn't have to go all the way around South America.

    The Building of the Panama Canal- this event involved Panama and the U.S. Outcome:the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans were connected making it easier for trade and military so they didn't have to go all the way around South America.
    The Panama Canal was a canal made by the U.S. to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans to make it easier for trade and military usage. The canal was made on a 10-mile wide stretch of land. The land cost the U.S. around 10-million dollars with an annual annuity of $250,000. Also within the deal the U.S. also guaranteed Panama their independence. It took the U.S. 10 years to build the canal at a cost of $375 million (which equals about $8.6 billion today).
  • The Mexican Revolution When Hundreds of Mexican Refugees Fled to the US-this event involved Mexico and the U.S..Outcome: the Mexican migration increased tremendously from 20,000 migrants per year to 50,000-100,000 per year and the amount of jobs decreased

    The Mexican Revolution When Hundreds of Mexican Refugees Fled to the US-this event involved Mexico and the U.S..Outcome: the Mexican migration increased tremendously from 20,000 migrants per year to 50,000-100,000 per year and the amount of jobs decreased
    Because of the Mexican Revolution many Mexicans fled to the U.S. to get away from all of the violence. Many Mexicans also came to the U.S. to find something stable and employment. Americans were for the most part ok with the huge increase in the migration of Mexicans because they had such "positive qualities" that made them "better" labor immigrants. They were also seen as temporary migrants who would then go back to Mexico after the Revolution was over.
  • The Veracruz Incident- this event involved the U.S. and Mexico. Outcome: Mexico suffered about 200 casualties and the and the U.S. sailors were released.

    The Veracruz Incident- this event involved the U.S. and Mexico. Outcome: Mexico suffered about 200 casualties and the and the U.S. sailors were released.
    The Veracruz Incident was an event where sailors from the USS Dolphin docked in a restricted dock area in Veracruz, Mexico. The sailors were arrested and detained for an hour and a half. The Mexican President refused to release the sailors so President Woodrow Wilson sent a fleet of Marines. They couldn't stop the U.S. and suffered around 200 casualties.
  • The Sinking of the RMS Lusitania- this event involved the U.S., Great Britain and Germany. Outcome: turned the world against Germany and prompted the U.S. to declare war on Germany and enter WWI 2 years later.

    The Sinking of the RMS Lusitania- this event involved the U.S., Great Britain and Germany.  Outcome: turned the world against Germany and prompted the U.S. to declare war on Germany and enter WWI 2 years later.
    The RMS Lusitania sank because of a German U-Boat firing 2 torpedos in its direction. The Lusitania was a British boat that was heading from New York to Liverpool, England. The boat had around 120 Americans on board when it went down. The sinking of the ship happened because Germany had "issued warnings" to attack all ships around Britain.
  • The Zimmerman Telegram- Britain, Germany, Mexico and the US were involved. After the telegram, the US entered into WWI

    The Zimmerman Telegram- Britain, Germany, Mexico and the US were involved. After the telegram, the US entered into WWI
    a message from the German foreign secretary to the German ambassador to Mexico proposing a Mexican-German alliance in the case of war between the United States and Germany. The telegram was intercepted and deciphered by the British. When US president Woodrow Wilson heard about the telegram he began arming ships just in case of a German attack. Afterward, the public started to want the US to enter into the war. 4 days after the Telegram was released, the public got their wish.
  • The US Declares War on Germany to Enter WWI- the U.S. and Germany were involved in this event. Outcome: The U.S. entered WWI

    The US Declares War on Germany to Enter WWI- the U.S. and Germany were involved in this event. Outcome: The U.S. entered WWI
    President Wilson went to Congress on April 2nd, 1917 and asked to declare war on Germany. Congress then granted WIlson's request on the 4th two days later. When the U.S. declared war on Germany to enter WWI they had two main reasons for doing so. The two reasons were that Germany had to do with the sinking of the Lusitania which had around a hundred U.S. citizens on board and because Germany had a plot to ally with Mexico just in case of war against the U.S. (The Zimmerman Telegram).
  • The Lansing–Ishii Agreement-The agreement involved the U.S.,Japan, and China.Outcome:The United States recognized that Japan had "special interests" in China and Japan stated its "respect" for the Open Door Policy.

    The Lansing–Ishii Agreement-The agreement involved the U.S.,Japan, and China.Outcome:The United States recognized that Japan had "special interests" in China and Japan stated its "respect" for the Open Door Policy.
    The Lansing-Ishii Agreement was an agreement between U.S. Secretary of State Robert Lansing and Japanese Viscount Kikujiro Ishii. The agreement basically stated that the two countries respected the ideas that they were both trying to put into action regarding China. But, the agreement was annulled in April 1923, because when the agreement was translated the word "special" was misinterpreted to "paramount".
  • The Announcement of Wilson's 14 Points-Russia,Belgium,France,Italy,Austria-Hungary,Turkey,Poland and the Balkan Territories. Wilson's 14 Points then helped Wlison negotiate the treaty that ended the war and lead to the making of the League of Nations.

    The Announcement of Wilson's 14 Points-Russia,Belgium,France,Italy,Austria-Hungary,Turkey,Poland and the Balkan Territories. Wilson's 14 Points then helped Wlison negotiate the treaty that ended the war and lead to the making of the League of Nations.
    Wilson's 14 Points were a list of guidelines that were made by Woodrow Wilson as a response to the various causes of World War I. Also, The 14 Points were basically made to keep the peace between nations and make everything the way it was before WWI started. The 14th point proposed the idea to make a League of Nations, which then went on to happen on June 28th, 1919.
  • The Treaty of Versailles- The Allies (25 nations) and the Germans were involved in signing the treaty, the outcome of the treaty was the ending of WWI and Germany having to pay reparations for the damage that they did to to other countries.

    The Treaty of Versailles- The Allies (25 nations) and the Germans were involved in signing the treaty, the outcome of the treaty was the ending of WWI and Germany having to pay reparations for the damage that they did to to other countries.
    the Treaty of Versailles was a treaty that was willingly signed by the Allies and forcefully signed by the Germans which ended WWI. The treaty made Germany pay reparations that they did to other countries, made new boundaries for Germany and forced Germany to make their military smaller. The U.S. were not initially part of the Allied Powers but then joined in 1917 because they could no longer stay neutral in the war. In the end, the treaty didn't matter because Hitler attacked Poland.
  • The Washington Naval Conference- The United Kingdom, Japan, France and Italy, Belgium, China, Portugal, and the Netherlands were all involved. The outcome of this Conference was the making of the Five-Power, Four-Power, and Nine-Power Treaties.

    The Washington Naval Conference- The United Kingdom, Japan, France and Italy, Belgium, China, Portugal, and the Netherlands were all involved. The outcome of this Conference was the making of the Five-Power, Four-Power, and Nine-Power Treaties.
    The Washington Naval Conference was a meeting between some of the world’s largest naval powers in Washington D.C.. The purpose of the meeting was to address two major issues: the cost of arms race and to lower the tension between Japan and the US in Asia. Three treaties resulted from the meeting, the Five-Power Treaty, the Four-Power Treaty, and the Nine-Power Treaty. All of the nations that were invited were invited by U.S. Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes.