Food Timeline Assignment

  • Food in the 1900-1910

    Food in the 1900-1910
    In this era most people were still relying and cooking crops. This was big since certain technology wasn't invented yet for them to prep their food Transportation was limited, that led to certain food being limited. Potatoes, Fresh vegetables, and stews were cooked over a open fire.
  • Food in the 1920's

    Food in the 1920's
    Food develop with the invention of refrigerators. This led food to be preserved longer without it expiring quicker than usual. Canned and frozen foods became more common during than this time.
  • Food in the 1930's

    Food in the 1930's
    It was an increase in processed foods in the 1930's. Also, the process for growing foods were innovated. Breadlines and soup kitchens were popular.
  • Food in the 1940's

    Food in the 1940's
    The affect of World War 2 led to food being rationed. This made people in the U.S rely on substitutes such as eggs and vegetables for meat. The Government rationed meat, sugar, coffee, butter, and cheese.
  • Food in the 1950's

    Food in the 1950's
    More ethnic foods were brought to the U.S due to returning soldiers from World War 2. Also Processed foods were as big as natural food during this time because of the demand for them. TV dinners, and condensed soups were popular in this time.