Food Systems

  • Very few public dining options

    Very few public dining options
    Louisiana Purchase, the world population reaching 1 billion, and the war of 1812 all occurred during the beginning of the 19th century
  • Sandwiches and spaghetti were introduced by urban immigrants

    Sandwiches and spaghetti were introduced by urban immigrants
    The first use of the electric chair, basketball is invented and the Philippine-American war all take place during the end of the 19th century
  • Canning was developed

    Canning was developed
    The first teddy bear was invented, boy scouts of America were founded and the sinking of the Titanic all occurred during the beginning of the 20th century
  • Measures were taken to control salmonella in eggs

    Measures were taken to control salmonella in eggs
    The world population reaches 2 billion, bubble gum is invented, and Dwight D. Eisenhower is inaugurated all during the middle of the 20th century
  • Food Safety Act of 1990 was created

    Food Safety Act of 1990 was created
    Population reaches 5 billion, Bill Clinton is inaugurated, and the United Nations forms during the end of the 20th century