History of Food Science and Technology 1750-1950

  • Patent for Gelatin

    Patent for Gelatin
    The first English patent for the manufacture of gelatin was granted.
  • The Sandwich was Invented

    The Sandwich was Invented
    The sandwich was invented by John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792). About 1762, he is reputed to have been too busy to have a formal meal, and instructed his cook to pack his meat inside the bread to save him time - and the sandwich was invented.
  • Sugar Act Passed in Britain

    Sugar Act Passed in Britain
    The Sugar Act passed in Britain, placing new restrictions on the import of molasses to America.
  • Carbonated Water Invented

    Carbonated Water Invented
    In 1770, the Swedish chemist Torbern Bergman invented a device for making carbonated water from chalk and sulfuric acid.
  • First Cooking School in Great Britain.

    First Cooking School in Great Britain.
    E. Kidner opened the first cooking school in Great Britain.
  • Patent for Gravity Feed Seed Planting Machine.

    Patent for Gravity Feed Seed Planting Machine.
    Eliakim Spooner of Vermont patented a gravity feed seed planting machine. It was not until 1840 that a truly practical seed planting machine was developed.
  • First Cultivated Strawberry

    First Cultivated Strawberry
    Michael Keens presented the first cultivated strawberry combining flavor and appearance, at the Royal Horticultural Society.
  • First Patent for Preserving Food in Tin Cans

    First Patent for Preserving Food in Tin Cans
    Peter Durand was granted the first patent for preserving food in tin cans, English patent No. 3372.
  • A1 Steak Sauce.

    A1 Steak Sauce.
    Henderson William Brand starts his own business and begins manufacturing A1 Steak Sauce. He created it for England's King George IV, who had proclaimed it 'A1'.
  • First Commercial Chewing Gum

    First Commercial Chewing Gum
    The first commercial chewing gum is introduced, State of Maine Spruce Gum.
  • Patent for Egg Incubator.

    Napoleon E. Guerin received the first U.S. patent for an egg incubator. He also was the first to patent a life preserver.
  • Mason Jars Were Invented

    Mason Jars Were Invented
    Mason jars were invented for home use for canning. Canning is the process of placing food in jars and heating the jar to kill the microorganisms that is responsible for food spoilage.
  • Horse Power Instead of Hand Power

    Horse Power Instead of Hand Power
    Use of horse powered instead of hand powered was favored. This resulted in increased efficiency for farming production.
  • "Corn Show"

    "Corn Show"
    An international "Corn Show" is held in Paris showing off the varieties of corn from different countries.
  • Pasteurization is Invented

    Pasteurization is Invented
    Pasteurization is invented by Louis Pasteur. It is a process where heat destroys pathogens and is crucial in the development of milk and making juices safe for consumption.
  • Refrigeration is Introduced

    Refrigeration is Introduced
    Refrigeration is introduced to the United States. This allowed food to be stored longer and be fresher for a longer period of time.
  • Tea Bags Appeared

    Tea Bags Appeared
    Introduced by New York tea wholesaler Thomas Sullivan.
    Sullivan placed blended tea leaves in small China silk bags and sewed the bags closed. The bags were then steeped in hot water, and the user could drink the tea without straining out the leaves. This new process for making tea beverage was an almost instant success, and Sullivan developed an automatic machine for making the tea bags fairly automatically.
  • J.L. Kraft Introduced Processed Cheese.

    J.L. Kraft Introduced Processed Cheese.
    The process included grinding cheese
    products and making an emulsion with added water, then forming the material in to loaves. By the end of 1921, processed cheese was firmly established by purchases amounting to six million tons by the Army.
  • Mandatory Pasteurization of Milk.

    Mandatory Pasteurization of Milk.
    After several years of proof that bacteria in raw milk caused undulant fever. Alice Evans, a U.S. bacteriologist, demonstrated the problem and the understanding that "Bangs" disease of cattle was transmittable to humans, causing undulantfever. The disease was eliminated by pasteurizing milk and vaccinating cattle against the fever. Ear tags on cattle herds became a familiar sight, and except for those who were sure that pasteurization eliminated good qualities as well as disease, the new process
  • Thiamin Isolated

    Thiamin Isolated
    U.S. scientist Robert Williams isolated a vitamin that proved to be thiamin from rice husks. Thiamine was found to cure beriberi, a disease prevalent in the Philippines, where Williams was employed. Riboflavin was isolated in Austria that same year by chemist Richard Kuhn. Riboflavin was synthesized in 1935 by German scientists.
  • Duncan Hines Cake Mix Invented

    Duncan Hines Cake Mix Invented
    Duncan Hines Cake Mix started life in Omaha, Neb., in June 1950, at the NebraskaConsolidated Mills. The brand name was licensed from Park Hines, the company that used the food critic Duncan Hines' name. The new brand reached 48% of the prepared cake mix market within three weeks. The mix came in one flavor, white, with yellow and chocolate cakes prepared by ingredient additions. Cake mixes were popular with consumers. The research produced cakes with leavening systems that could withstand she