food development from the 1900s to present

  • Period: to

    food development

  • world war 1

    During the time period of World War I, food was scarce for soldiers so it was essential to provide food for the war so that participants did not waste any time searching for food. Each solider required 4000 calories a day, making it difficult to provide such an allotment of food. And lastly there was a shortage of flour during the war so things such as bread and cakes required substitutes like oats or dried potatoes.
  • Great Depression

    During the Great Depression, pastas and peas were the most frequently purchased foods because they were cheap and easy to make. Canned foods were extremely emphasized during the Great Depression because they were cheap and perceived as fresher. Many people turned to soup kitchens because they could not afford to buy meals for their whole family.
  • 1950's to 1959 in America

    In the 1950's, frozen dinners (TV dinners) became a staple in America because they were quick and hot meals. Casseroles were also extremely popular at the time because they were big portions that could last a family longer than one meal. Meat and Potatoes also reigned supreme in the 1950s because they are easily cooked and crucial for energy and development.
  • 1960-1980 in America

    The development of food in the 1960-1980 consisted of better food quality being enforced by the FDA and USDA as well as government assistance for those in need of meals. Fast food chains also began branching out during this time period and became iconic symbols in American culture. Lastly, diet and health trends grew because awareness blossomed on what foods are considered nutritious and which foods are not.
  • 1980- 2000 in America

    In the 1980s and 2000, the ideology of natural and organic foods was born causing many Americans to gravitate towards less processed foods. The increase in Globalization also introduced Americans to new food cultures, expanding international cuisines. Lastly, technology advanced during this time period allowing for GMO's to be introduced into many American diets.