Fake first man on the moon.
The day they faked the first man on the moon. its ok that they did though because we beat russia and thats all that matters. They also treated black people bad at this time which was not ok -
nine, elleven
a day when terrorists attacked the us. Suicide bombers bombed the twin towers. Thousands of lives were lost. -
My birth date/when i was born
the day i was born i was born at 9:34 pm i think. My birthday is a pretty cool day because i get to do fun stuff usually. I also get to sleep in on my birthday. -
i went to lagoon with my mom like under a year after my parents were divorced.
i went to lagoon. I went on colossus and wicked for the first time that i can remember. i also remember I got a blue and white stuffed dog -
netflix invented
A day that will improve history FOREVER. Netflix is a movie/tv show platform that you can use with a monthly paid subscription. I enjoy watching netflix. -
first day of tackle football.
it was in like summer sometime and when we were learning all of our new positions the first couple days i was so confused i had no clue what was going on. I learned a little bit as the season went on though. then the next year i was doing pretty good. -
first day of 7th grade
The first day of 7th grade was kind of confusing but for me it wasnt too hard. i know it was a lot harder for some other people. 7th grade math was a lot easier than 6th grade though haha i didnt get as much homework. -
The first day of 8th grade.
It was a lot easier this year then it was last year. When i was trying to figure out my classes and get to where i was going i actually knew where the class numbers were. overall 8th grade is a lot better than 7th.