FOA timeline homework

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    Washingtons presidency

    Our first president was elected in 1789 then left office in 1794
  • Presidential cabinet created

    The first set of presidential advisors, known as the presidential cabinet was made by George Washington.
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    Whiskey rebellion

    The whiskey rebellion was when the tax on making and selling whiskey was raised by a lot, so people just refused to pay it since it was so high.
  • Nuetrality proclamation with France

    This was a proclamation to say that the United States was neutral in the war between Britain and France.
  • Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri compromise was brought about by Henry Clay, this compromise made it that any state above a certain line was not allowed to have slavery, except for certain parts of Missouri. This compromise was made so that there would be no slavery up north where it wasn't needed, but it allowed slavery down south where it was needed for cotton production.
  • Creation of the Cotton gin

    The cotton gin was invented by Elie Whitney, the cotton gin was a machine that separated the cotton from the seed pods and cleaned the cotton. The cotton gin was invented on March 15, 1794 so that cotton could be manufactured for clothing faster. This in turn required more saves to pick the cotton to meet the demand for cotton since they could now clean the cotton faster.
  • Jay treaty

    This was a treaty with Britain to settle problems between the countries they have had since the United States declared independence.
  • XYZ Affair

    The XYZ affair was a political dispute between France and America that lead to an undeclared war called the Quasi war. The letters x y and z were used instead of French diplomats names Hottinguer (X), Bellamy (Y), and Hauteval (Z) in documents released by the Adams administration.
  • Alien and Sedition acts

    The Alien and sedition acts were a set of laws that gave powers to the government to deport foreigners and to make it harder for immigrants to vote. These were put into action because the government didn't want immigrants to have a say in politics, also they wanted to keep foreigners out of important jobs such as teachers or postal service.
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    Jeffersons presidency

    President Jefferson came into office in 1801 then left office in1809
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    In this case President John Adams appointed multiple Justices right before the new president took over. Many of the new justices did not receive their commission because the new president stopped many of the letters from going out. The short term effect is that Marbury did not receive his commission, the long term effect is the precedent of Judicial Review. One of the values represented in the case is Authority, because the president had the authority to keep Marbury from getting commission.
  • Louisiana purchase

    The Louisiana purchase was when Jefferson purchased a large plot of land west of the Mississippi from France.
  • Embargo of 1807

    This was an embargo that made any and all exports from America illegal, this was sponsored by Jefferson.
  • Indian removal act of 1830

    This act would move all Native Americans off of their land, to land west of the Mississippi so that the white citizens could have their land and the resources on it. This was unconstitutional but Jackson did not care, he didn't want them on land they he could turn into farmland.
  • Cherokee nations appeal

    This was a speech given by a Native American, in hopes to persuade the government to not move the trivbes, and to leave them as they are. The Native American spokes person tried to make it seem as it was, not how Jackson wanted people to see it. The Native American giving the speech was informing people how this didn't help the tribes and wasn't for the greater good.
  • Second annual message

    This was a speech given by Andrew Jackson, that informed everyone, basically of his progress with the removal of the Native American tribes, and how it was helping them and others.
  • Worcester vs Georgia

    In this case a man named Samuel Worcester brought up to the attention of the surpeme court that Georgia's laws over the Cherokee nation, just because they were on Georgia land, were unconstitutional.
  • Worcester v. Georgia

    Worcester v. Georgia
    The state of Georgia was trying to remove Worcester from Cherokee land, because of Georgia's laws over this land. Worcester claimed that Georgia had no rule over Cherokee land, since it is owned by the Cherokee. The court sided with Worcester, deciding that he could continue to live on these land, without a permit. The short term effect is Worcester was allowed to stay where he lived, the long term effect was that states could not govern over or make laws for Native American lands.
  • Nullification crisis

    This was when South Carolina did not pay a Tariff because it seemed unconstitutional, the federal government and South Carolina eventually worked out a deal. The only reason that the tariff had been set was to get the states to buy American made goods even though they were more expensive. This tariff made items from Britain more expensive than those from American states.
  • Peoples republic of Texas

    The People's Republic of Texas took up some land of Texas and also parts of present-day Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and New Mexico. The first president of this republic was David G. Burnet in 1836 for that year. The first Vice President was Lorenzo de Zavala in 1836.
  • Trail of tears

    The trail of tears was the hike that the Native American tribes had to take to reach their new settlement of land, after being forced from their original home land. They had to hike for 2,200 miles.
  • Annexation of Texas

    The annexation of Texas was when the United States allowed Texas into the United Statesas a state, after the econonomy of Texas started to decline. Texas was annexed in by president John Tyler. John Tyler took over presidency after president William Henry Harrison died from pneumonia after giving the longest acceptance speech of any president in the cold rain.
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    American-Mexican war

    The American Mexican war was fought because America was trying to take some of Mexicos land, in the end we took a large portion of their land in the north, this made it so that we could expand our borders more.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    The Wilmot Proviso was made to eliminate slavery in the territories acquired from the American-Mexican war.
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    California Gold Rush

    Gold was found on January 24, 1948 by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill Coloma, Califronia. This news brought some 300,000 gold seekers, most of which were American but some tens of thousands were from Autralia, Asia, Europe, and Latin America.
  • Compromise of 1850

    The compromise of 1850 was a set of bills put into actionsthey were, one that Texas surrendered its claim to New Mexico, as well as land north of the Missouri compromise line, two that Califronia was admitted as a free state, three Utah and New Mexico could decide for themselves whether they wanted slavery or not, four slave trade but not slavery was banned in the District of Colombia.
  • Kansas-Nebraska act

    This act allowed the people of Kansas and Nebraska to decide whether they wanted to allow slavery or not. This act repealed the Missouri compromise allowing these two states to choose for themselves.
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    Bleeding Kansas

    Abolitionist northerners and pro-slavery southerners pour into Kansas by the thousands, many vote pro-slavery even though they don't live in Kansas. This vote makes slavery legal in Kansas, violence then erupts between pro slavery people and people opposed to slavery. Both groups destroy property of each other's, blowing up hotels and destroying their printing presses, some even murder people.
  • Dred Scott v Sanford

    Dred Scott v Sanford
    The Supreme Court case said that African Americans whether enslaved or free could not be American citizens and therefore has none of the privileges of anAmerican citizen. Short term effect was that Dred Scott remained a slave, long term effect was enforcement of separation between races. A value shown in this case hierarchy, because this took away equality between races.
  • Lincoln elected president

    Abraham Lincoln, a very inspirational president, who changed the tide in the civil war was elected.
  • Civil war

    The civil war was a war between southern and northern states. This war sprouted from the southern states wanting slavery and the northern states not wanting slavery, then the south tried to secede from the country, which sparked a war.
  • Suspension of habeas corpus

    The suspension of habeas corpus was when president Lincoln made it so he could have people that were suspected terrorists arrested. And even if they weren't going to do anything they couldn't have their case checked, they were just indefinitely in jail.
  • Secession

    This was when Texas tried to secede from the Country and become its own country, they even drafted and signed an ordinance of secession.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    This battle was fought in Maryland near Sharpsburg. This battle is called the Battle of Antietam because it was fought near Antietam creek.
  • Emancipation proclamation

    This emancipation declared that all slaves held in any state rebelling against the government, mainly the southern states, had to give up their slaves.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg was the largest battle of the American Civil War. This is considered the most important engagement of the Civil War.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    The Gettysburg address was a speech given by Abraham Lincoln. This speech was given while dedicating the land that the Battle of Gettysburg happened on.
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    Sherman's March to Sea

    Sherman marched his men towards the sea during the civil war. This march involved physcolgoical ware fare in which Sherman and his men destroyed homes and plantations in order to strike fear into their enemies hearts.
  • Surrender at Appomattox Court House

    Surrender at Appomattox Court House
    This was one of the last battles of the Civil War.
  • Lincoln's Assasssination

    Lincoln's Assasssination
    Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, was assassinated in Washington DC.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    This amendment formally abolished slavery in the United States.
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    Jacksons presidency

    President Jackson came into office in 1882 then left office in 1887
  • Miranda v Arizona

    Miranda v Arizona
    This Supreme Court case is about the rights of people while being questioned by police officials. The short term effect of this was that Miranda was not arrested, at first, the long term effect was the precedent of the Miranda rights. These are the rights that police must read to anyone before they can question them. A value shown in this case is freedom and individualism.
  • Tinker v Des Moines

    Tinker v Des Moines
    This Supreme Court case is about students who protested the Vietnam war by wearing black armbands, the school then suspended them for this. In the end the Supreme Court sided with the students. The short term effect was the students were allowed to wear the armbands in protest, the long term effect was the precedent that peaceful protest in schools is allowed. This shows the value of freedom, such as freedom to protest.
  • Bethel High school vs. Fraser

    Bethel High school vs. Fraser
    Mathew Fraser gave a speech nominating another student to be Associated student body Vice President. This speech included numerous sexual innuendos, thus he was punished for this. The short term effect of this is he was suspended, the long term effect of this was that sexual innuendos in schools does not qualify as free speech, thus it is not covered under the first amendment. A value represented is order, because the Supreme Court decision sided with the school who was trying to restore order.
  • Hazelwood school district vs. Kuhlemeier

    Hazelwood school district vs. Kuhlemeier
    In this case a student run school paper was brought to the principal for final approval. The principal ordered two articles be removed and not published. The students brought this to court under the right to free press. The court sided with the school, since the paper is still a school paper. The short t era effect is the articles werent published, the long term effect is that freedom of press has a limit in schools. A value represented in this is order, since the school was trying to keep order
  • Morse vs Frederick

    Morse vs Frederick
    At a school sponsored event Joseph Frederick held up a sign that read "Bong hits 4 Jesus". Principal Deborah Morse suspended Frederick for ten days. The Supreme Court sided with the school. This type of speech for student isn't covered under the first amendment since this advertises an illegal substance. The short term effect is Frederickwas suspended, long term is that this type of speech isn't covered under the first amendment. A value represented is order.